News & Updates
- Bus Time Table - Autumn 2015
- PRESS RELEASE: IIT Bhubaneswar Celebrates 8th Institute Day on 22nd July 2015
- IIT Bhubaneswar Batch of 2008 Alumnus Secures Rank 55 in Civil Services Examination 2014
- PRESS RELEASE: Opening of the Mahanadi Hall of Residence by Mr S K Roongta, Chairman on 20th July 2015
- IITBBS admission reporting-New for 1st year B, Tech. (Freshers)
- Hostel Notice - Reporting Autumn 2015..
- First brainstorming session of Design Innovation Center @ IIT Bhubaneswar
- Workshop on Affordable Housing Conducted by IIT Bhubaneswar on 19th June 2015
- Revised Room Allotment List of Students..
- List of Selected Candidates for admission in to Ph.D. Programme..
- Second/Final List of selected candidates for M.Tech. Programme 2015-16..
- Dr S R Samantaray, SES has been inducted as Member of the National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)
- IIT Bhubaneswar Celebrates International Yoga Day
- IMPORTANT - Shifting of Hostels
- Prof. M. Shima, Gifu University, Japan visits IIT Bhubaneswar for Research Collaboration
- Director IIT Bhubaneswar delivers keynote address at NSTL on the eve of National Technology Day
- Dr. Rajan Jha, School of Basic Sciences elected as member of Executive Council, Optical Society of India
- Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar joins as the Director, IIT Bhubaneswar with effect from 22nd April 2015
- Ms. Lopamudra Giri, awarded grant to participate in ERICE 2015
- The Power System Research got "Clayton Griffin Award-2015, Georgia Tech, USA"
- Spring End Examination 2014-15..
- List of Selected Candidates for admission to M.Tech. Programme (2015-16)..
- Dr. Debadatta Swain from SEOCS selected for the AT-RASC 2015 Young Scientist Award...
- SES Ph.D. thesis got POSOCO Award-2015 in Doctoral Category
- Internship Programme for Summer..
- Ms. Lopamudra Giri has been awarded Best Poster Prize, sponsored by Bruker AXS
- Dr. Rajan Jha selected for ICO-ICTP Gallieno Denardo Award
- Recognition of Research Works of SIF, IIT Bhubaneswar at Indo-US Technological Summit, 2014
- Prof. U. C. Mohanty elected Fellow of Indian National Science Academy (INSA)..
- Swachh Bharat Mission