News & Updates

  1. NPTEL Courses Available on LAN at IIT Bhubaneswar..
  2. Visit of Professor Ikuo Towhata to the School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar
  3. Shortlisted Candidates of Ph.D. Programme for Spring 2015-16..
  4. Ms. Swagata Bisoi, Research scholar of School of Infrastructure got Best Paper Award
  5. In News: IIT will have an Incubation Center soon.
  6. Institute takes a step forward towards Industry- Academia interaction
  7. Advertisement for Non-Teaching Posts..
  8. Institute holds Vigilance Awareness Week 2015
  9. Dr. Ranbir Sinha, Sinha Research, Switzerland has given Institute Seminar on 03/10/2016
  10. Recruitment of Chief Security Officer and Assistant Security Officer..
  11. Faculty Openings..
  12. Internship Programme for Winter 2015..
  13. Ph.D. Programme for Spring 2015-16..
  14. School Seminar and interactive discussion by Prof. Chittaranjan Ray
  15. Grouping of 1st Year B.Tech Students in Section - I and Section - II for Theory Classes...
  16. IIT Bhubaneswar Conducted UBA Workshop/Meeting on 7th Nov 2015 at Arugul Campus
  17. Ph.D. Programme for Spring 2015-16 Closed..
  18. Cinewave, the Cinematics Society of IIT Bhubaneswar wins at IIT Delhi's Rendezvous 2015
  19. Report - Institute Seminar Talk by Prof. K.R. Srivathsan on 12th Oct 2015..
  20. Dr. P. Bhunia of the SIF appointed as an Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste.
  21. Dr. C. S. Rout of School of Basic Sciences has been appointed as Associate Editor of "RSC Advances".
  22. Report on Swachh Bharat Abhiyan - 2nd October 2015
  23. Gandhi Jayanti Greetings from Prof R V Raja Kumar, Director
  24. Survey from Faculty on HPC..
  25. हिंदी पखवाड़ा - 07 से 21 सितंबर 2015 : एक रिपोर्ट
  26. हिंदी दिवस 2015 : एक रिपोर्ट
  27. 4th Annual Convocation - A Brief Report
  28. Alma Fiesta Event Report
  29. Teacher's Day Celebration at IIT Bhubaneswar
  30. Director's Message on the eve of Teacher's Day