IIT Bhubaneswar is offering the following programmes.
- 4 year B. Tech in Civil Engineering (CE) with student strength of 40.
- 4 year B. Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) with student strength of 40.
- 4 year B. Tech in Electrical Engineering (EE) with student strength of 40.
- 4 year B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (ME) with student strength of 40.
- 4 year B. Tech in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (MME) with student strength of 20.
- 4 year B. Tech in Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) with student strength of 40.

- 5 year Dual Degree programme (B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech. in Mechanical System Design) with student strength of 10.

- 5 year Dual Degree programme (B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering and M. Tech. in Thermal Science & Engineering) with student strength of 10.

- 5 year Dual Degree programme (B. Tech in Civil Engineering and M. Tech. in Structural Engineering) with student strength of 10.

- 5 year Dual Degree programme (B. Tech in Civil Engineering and M. Tech. in Transportation Engineering) with student strength of 10.

The admission to the above programmes will be made through JEE (Advanced) 2016. For more information, please visit http://www.jeeadv.ac.in/.
N.B. Reservation/category wise distribution of seats will be made as per Govt. rule.
Infromation for Freshers/Aspirants for B. Tech./MSc Studies for the Academic Year 2016-17 [Click Here]
Semester Registration Notice for Freshers for Academic Year 2016-17 [Click Here]