News & Updates
- List of selected candidates for admission into MS by Research Programme Spring 2023-24 SES(CSE), SMS..
- Ph.D. Registration/admission information Spring 2023-24..
- Madhava Mathematics Competition (MMC) Online Program
- List of selected candidates for admission into Ph.D. Programme Spring 2023-24 SES , SBS, SEOCS,SIF, SMS, SMMME, SHSSM..
- The deadline for Paper Abstract submission for the upcoming IPEA conference extended to 15th December 2023..
- List of Shortlisted Candidates for Written Test for Ph.D. Admission Spring 2023-2024(SES, SMMME, SEOCS, SIF, SBS, SHSSM, Chemistry *Revised date)..
- List of Shortlisted Candidates for Written Test for M.S. by Research Admission Spring 2023-2024(SMMME,SMS,SIF,SES)..
- List of the selected candidates for the winter internship program (SHSSM, SIF, SMMME, SEOCS, SES, SMS)
- List of Selected candidates for admission into Ph.D. Programme under Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme(ECE) for the Autumn Session 2023-24..
- Saraswati 2.0 Stakeholder Workshop at School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar
- Observation of Vigilance Awareness 2023
- Mr. Sapta Girish Babu Neelam defended his Ph.D. thesis on 20/10/2023
- List of shortlisted candidates for the Written Test of the Ph.D. Admission Under Visvesvaraya Ph.D. scheme and Syllabus for Written Test
- “Surya Kumbh”- Solar Cooking Workshop
- Advertisement for IPR Professor–Chair Position (SPRIHA)..
- Opening of Winter Internship 2023..
- Discipline wise final allotment list for ITEP 2023..
- B.Sc.- B.Ed. Integrated Teacher Education Programme (ITEP) Admission Information..
- Madhava Mathematics Competition 2024
- New Updates on ITEP 2023 admission at IIT Bhubaneswar..
- Mr. Thakare Kamalakar Vijay defended his Ph.D. thesis on 30/08/2023
- Application for admission to the Ph.D. Programme under the Visvesvaraya Ph.D. fellowship scheme for Electronics and IT, Phase II..
- Director's Message on Teacher's Day..
- MoU signed between Whizhack Technologies Pvt Ltd and IIT Bhubaneswar
- Result for the post of "Junior Lab Assistant"..
- Result for the post of "Junior Technician"..
- Result for the post of "Junior Technical Superintendent"..
- Notice for cancellation the post of "Assistant Technical Officer" ..
- Live Link: Meri Matti Mera Desh Programme at IIT Bhubaneswar..
- List of provisionally shortlisted candidates for Skill/Trade test to be held on 25 Aug 2023 for the post of Junior Technical Superintendent based on Written test..