School of Mechanical Sciences
- The School of Mechanical Sciences congratulates Prof. Mahapatra and Dr. Budarapu for being recognised in world's top 2 percent most influential scientists for the year 2024
- Indian Meteorological Department is organising the India Radar Meteorology conference iRAD 2025 to be held in January 2025. The call for abstract submissions are now open.
- Glimpses of 'How teachers can make a difference' session at SMS

- Portable Emergency Ventilator (Battery/AC operated)
Developed by By Prof. M. M. Mahapatra and team, School of Mechanical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar.

- School off Mechanical Sciences welcomes Prof. Mahan as an adjunct faculty
- Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – 1, for the Department of Science and Technology (DST) project

- IIT Bhubaneswar is organizing the 5th National Conference on India Radar Meteorology (iRAD 2022) during 9-11, January 2022 via virtual mode

- School of Mechanical Sciences congratulates Dr. M. M. Mahapatra and team !

- School of Mechanical Sciences congratulates Dr. V. Pandu Ranga, Dr. M.K. Pandit and Dr. Ashis Biswas !

- Congratulations !

- Report on Computational Fracture Mechanics, short term course under the QIP scheme of AICTE during 24 May - 4 June 2021

- Mr. Sunil Manohar Maharana has won the Best poster award for his poster on "Prediction and Prevention of Interlaminar Fracture and Cracks in Nanofiller Reinforced Jute-Kevlar" as part of exhibition on scholars day

- Dr. Venugopal and his team recent study on " Breathing Virus Transmission and Social Distancing" is selected as a featured article in the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Advances Journal

- Dr. A. Venugopal has received the director's commendation award at IIT Bhubaneswar for outstanding research on 12.02.2021.

- Dr. M.M. Mahapatra is part of the Editorial board of Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals journal

- Dr. P.R. Budarapu is invited as the Editorial board member of International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM) journal from 01.03.2021 onwards.

- Hybrid Multi-Scale Manufacturing Processes and Systems: A Virtual Tour of Northwestern Manufacturing, by Prof. Kornel Ehmann
- The role of Computational Mechanics for Industry 4.0: a sinergic scenario with the other enabling technologies
- Recent study on sneezing and efficacy of face mask and shield titled "Experimental Visualization of Sneezing and Efficacy of Facemask and Shields"
by Venugopal Arumuru, Jangyadatta Pasa, Sidhartha Sankar Samantaray is selected for Featured Article in “
- Dr. Bhumkar and his team's work is promoted as Editor's Pick in the Journal Physics of Fluids
- Poster Presentation: 10th Research Scholars' Day
- Dr. Das and his team has secured the Prof. V.M.K. Sastri Best Paper Award at 3rd International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference.
- Professor Marc Madou delivered a talk on the topic "Controlling Microcarbons for 3D Shape, Microstructure and Function"
- Visit by By Prof. Amitabha Ghosh during 21-24 Oct 2019 to the School of Mechanical Sciences
- Seminars By Prof. Amitabha Ghosh on 21st & 23rd Oct 2019
- A workshop on Advanced Computational Methods for Fracture/Failure of Materials, 6th-7th December, 2019
- Dr. A. Venugopal has been selected for INAE Young Scientist Award 2019
- Industrial visit for 3 rd year B.Tech/Dual degree students
- Seminar on “Digital signal Processing - Mechanical Sciencesâ€
- Award for Teaching Excellence
- Dr. Ankur Gupta participated in 2nd BRICS Young Scientist Conclave-2017, Hangzhou, China
- Dr. Ankur Gupta has been shortlisted by DST, for the participation in "BRICS Young Scientist Conclave"
- Business Plan Competition
- Industrial Visit at MECHEM Pvt Ltd on 9 April 2017
- Entrepreneurship subject students visited Anand Industrial Gases company on 9 April 2017
- Dr. Ankur Gupta, Faculty, School of Mechanical Sciences attended the National workshop at NCRI, Hyderabad
- Dr. Ankur Gupta, School of Mechanical Sciences was awarded Young Scientist Award-2017
- School of Mechanical Sciences Inauguration Ceremony held on 28th November 2016
- Inauguration of the Workshop, School of Mechanical Sciences