Dear Students
Now that you have completed your online classes and online BTP presentations successfully, there should not be any issue for you in taking the online exam. We provide you the following four options for taking the final exams and you can choose any one of the following options. The minimum requirement for each option is also given.
To Appear in the Exam:
Use one smartphone to login, see the question paper. Against each subjective question, write the answer in paper, scan and upload. Objective questions are to be answered on the phone screen.
Use the second smartphone to connect to the invigilator in virtual examination environment.
To Appear in the Exam:
Use Laptop/ desktop for login and writing the exam, scan and upload answer written on paper. Objective questions are to be answered on the computer terminal.
Use the smartphone to connect to the invigilator in virtual examination environment.
Students staying in the IIT hostel and do not have the necessary facilities, can take the exam in the institute facility.
Exam location: Room no. 104, PDS Lab, LBC, IIT Bhubaneswar.
The student will come with their mobile phone and they will use the laptop of PDS laboratory.
You could have online education, make project presentations and had the viva-voce, successfully. We are confident that you will be able to take one of the above options. However, if you are unable to exercise any of the above three options, you can come to Bhubaneswar, the institute will arrange necessary facilities and you can take the exam in quarantine.
Exam location: Old Engineering Cell, Near the main gate
Institute will only provide an internet connection. Preferably they can come with laptops and mobile phones.
Note: Students can choose any one of the options above. For any problem faced during the exams can reported immediately to the HELP DESK for help. A mock test/training session will be conducted for familiarization. Help Desk number will be provided before the exam.