IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated the 73nd Independence Day at its Permanent Campus in the playground adjacent to Mahanadi Hall of Residence. Prof R.V. Raja Kumar, the Director, IIT Bhubaneswar hosted the National Flag, offered floral tribute to the Father of the Nation and Bharat Mata and delivered his Independence Day address followed by national anthem sung by everyone in a rhythmic chorum. The faculty, staff, students, children of the institute participated in the celebrations in large numbers with patriotic fervour.
In his address, Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar addressed the gathering recalling the martyrs and freedom fighters who fought for the freedom and those who laid down their lives. He admired to note that the 73rd Independence Day Celebrations is very special to the institute as it is first such event where the entire students are staying inside the residential campus. He called upon the students to get empowered with right learning, harness the inherent potential, stay away from being complacent, become informed and knowledgeable individuals by emulating the personalities of the leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, take to entrepreneurship than be job seekers. He also said that the IIT students were flagbearers and should endeavour to contribute to the society and the nation. Observing that the institutions were like organs of the country he said: “If the country needs to prosper, the institutions needs to progress. The IITs are the crown jewel and we have a huge responsibility on us.” He also emphasized on country’s self-reliance and economic security through developmental programs like Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), Start-up programs, Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan, creation of incubation centres etc. through Institutions like IITs. He expressed his thanks to the Ministry of Human Resources Development for their extensive support to the Institute on all fronts.
The celebrations were followed by march-past by the security unit, national cadet corps (NCC) and exciting performances by the students, children of faculty members and members of security unit of the Institute.