IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated the 5th International Day of Yoga on Friday, 21st June 2019 in its green campus with grandeur. The Institute has been celebrating the Yoga Day since its inception in 2015. Like every year this year’s celebration too received an overwhelming participation from the students, faculty members, staff and their families.
Preceding the celebrations of International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2019, practice sessions were conducted on two other dates, in order to acclimatize the body to yogic exercises as per the protocol of the Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. Yogashanas, Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Dhyana, Sankalp, and Meditation were imparted to all participants by the yoga expert Ms. Preetilata Kar and her assistant Mr. Jitendra Champati.
The event was presided by the Director Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Chief guest Mr. Satya Ranjan Sahoo and the Registrar Col. (Dr.) Subodh Kumar. Prof. Raja Kumar addressed the gathering and shared his own wisdom on how Yoga has helped him stay fit and has provided inner energy to lead a vibrant institute as a director. He also emphasized that daily practice of Yoga can enhance overall energy level of a person keeping him/her alert throughout the day and enables multitasking in both professional and personal life. On this occasion, Mr. Satya Ranjan Sahoo, Managing Director of Utkalika and an Honorary Faculty at The Art of Living and a guest faculty at the Sri Sri University, spoke about the benefit of simple breathing techniques for living in the present and achieving higher levels of happiness and contentment. The event concluded with the participants pledging to embrace yoga in their daily life and lead a life of good health and well-being.