Dr. Amrita Satpathy received Best Paper Award at the 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH-2018) at Colombo

Dr. Amrita Satpathy, Assistant Professor at the School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management, attended the 5th International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICOAH- 2018) at Colombo, Sri Lanka. She presented a paper titled "Unravelling the 'Wonder' in I'tesamuddin's The Wonders of Vilayet". I was awarded the Session's Best Presentation Award with a medal of appreciation and a certificate.
She also had the honour of chairing two sessions:
27th September | SESSION 02  |   12.00 to 12.40   |  COMMUNICATIONS, MEDIA, AND CULTURE     

28th September | SESSION 10  |  10.20 to 12.00   |  HIGHER ARTS EDUCATION