IIT Bhubaneswar Celebrates 72nd Independence Day
IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated the 72nd Independence of Day in its campus at Argul on 15th August 2018 at 9:00 AM. Prof. V R Pedireddi, acting Director on behalf of Prof. R V Raja Kumar, hoisted the national flag and offered tribute to the Father of the Nation and Bharat Mata. He delivered Independence Day address followed by Guard of honor by the security forces and the students. Faculty, staff, and students from the institute participated in the celebrations in large numbers with patriotic fervor.

Prof. R V Raja Kumar, the Honorable Director of the Institute, in his absence paid respectful homage to the great personalities and conveyed the Independence Day greetings and Best wishes to all the students, faculty members and staff. He admired to note that the 72nd Independence Day Celebrations is very special to the institute as it is first such event in the fully operational campus. He noted that on this day 71 years back, at the stroke of midnight, India gained its Independence from colonial rule after a long freedom struggle and supreme sacrifices by thousands of our country men and women. In his message, he desirous of the IIT Bhubaneswar fraternity shall reignite their hearts with patriotic fervor, re-resolve to maintain unity in diversity and work towards strengthening of the nation in all its dimensions through hard work, adopting high ethical standards, spirited performances of our duties and innovating to bring in positive differences to the society.

Prof. V R Pedireddi, in his address to the audience, emphasized the necessity of remembering the great sacrifices of our freedom fighters, whose struggles through non-violence gave us freedom that we enjoy today. He also emphasized the need for thoughtful retrospection to take India forward and excel in the areas that we still lag behind and catch-up with the dynamically changing world by fostering and inculcate the great leadership qualities and valor of the freedom fighters, and re-resolve ourselves to make India “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat”.
The celebrations continued with exciting performances of native traditional martial arts by the security unit. The day was celebrated with patriotic songs and recital of poetry by the students.
Dr. Hanumantha Rao (EAA coordinator) thanked the students, faculty members, and the staff for participating enthusiastically.