Topic: Know your Self to get true success and lasting happiness | |
Speaker: Professor Kanchan Chowdhury, (IIT Kharagpur) | |
Venue: Community Center, Arugul Campus, IIT Bhubaneswar | |
Date/Time : 10th November 2017 6.00 PM to 7.00 PM | |
Abstract: As everyone is longing for success and happiness in life, it is important to know what these two words really mean. Does success mean getting all in life whatever we want? Does outside word define my success? Or, do I have the real freedom to do it? Can we always remain in a state of happiness, without going through patches of sorrows, or sorrows are part of life? These questions have always plagued human minds from the time immemorial. According to ancient Indian wisdom, the real answer lies deep within us, in our mind and intelligence. If we learn to speak a language from the street without knowing proper grammar and rules, we are bound to commit mistakes. Similarly, this life is often been thrust upon us without training us on the grammar of life. We can be blissful in our lives, if and only if, we know who my true Self is and what he wants. As we constantly interact with the external world in a bid to succeed in our efforts, we let ourselves be guided by the world. We often have no time to interact with our closest friends: Our inner Selves. This lecture would like to define Self, his real desires, reasons for unhappiness and realize that it is possible to be blissful at all times. Biography: A Mechanical Engineering graduate from IIT Kharagpur, Kanchan Chowdhury obtained doctorate from the same institution in 1984. He is currently a professor of Cryogenic Engineering Centre at IIT Kharagpur. He has guided 9 doctoral students, authored nearly 50 papers in national and international journals and is reviewer in many international journals. He has done post-doctoral research in the USA, Germany and Australia on a variety of subjects: Heat Exchangers, Cryogenic Refrigerators, Prevention of Fire in Oxygen Systems and Hazards of Electrostatics. His research interest also lies in helium liquefaction and refrigeration cold storage technology, natural gas reliquefaction, regasification and distribution. Prof Chowdhury has close interaction with industry and regularly advises and trains their engineers on Cryogenic Air Separation and Prevention of Fire in Oxygen Systems. More than 1100 engineers from India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Qatar have been trained through 50-odd training programs. He has spoken on spirituality at a number of institutions in the past, namely, IIT Kharagpur, IIT Guwahati, IIT Bhubaneswar, BIT Mesra, NIT Jamshedpur, University of Kolkata etc. |
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