A one-day workshop on “Recent Advances in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering” was organised by School of Infrastructure, IIT Bhubaneswar in association with the Indian Geotechnical Society, Bhubaneswar Chapter on 30th November, 2016. The prime objective of the workshop is to provide an interactive platform for the participants to know the state of the art knowledge and practice in earthquake geotechnical engineering problems and design considerations.
Prof. Ikuo Towhata, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo, Japan graced the occasion as a Chief Guest, Prof. Deepankar Choudhury, Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay as Guest of Honor for the inaugural ceremony. Prof. S. K. Mohapatra, Dean Continuing Education and Prof. R. K. Panda, Head School of Infrastructure and Dean R&D presided over the event. The Chief Guest mentioned importance of Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructural development and societal needs.
Prof. Ikuo Towhata, eminent geotechnical engineering professor delivered two remarkable lectures on ageing effect in liquefaction resistance of sand and re-construction of liquefaction-affected city by soil reinforcement. Prof. Deepankar Choudhury delivered a lecture on static and seismic design of combined pile-raft foundation and case study. It was a great opportunity for the participants, who were from various government funded and privet engineering institutes and engineers from Government of Odisha, to hear and learn from such eminent speakers.