Inauguration of Bengaluru Chapter of IITBBS Alumni Association

With great pleasure, it is to announce that the Bengaluru Chapter of IITBBS Alumni Association was inaugurated by the Director, Prof. R V Raja Kumar on 28th September 2019 and Ms. Madhavi (a 2013 batch of B.Tech) was nominated as it’s first president. The notable personalities present on the occasion in addition to the Director, are: Prof. Ashok Mishra, former Director of IIT Bombay and a few Deans of the Institute namely Prof. R K Panda, Prof. Sujit Roy and Prof. V R Pedireddi, Pan IIT Alumni, including a large number of IITBBS alumni and Mr. R. Patnaik, the placement officer. Director expressed happiness about the starting of the first Alumni Chapter of the institute outside Bhubaneswar and thanked the IIT Alumni Association for making it happen on his advice. He hoped for a speedy rise in the enrolment of the Chapter in the months to come and hoped for the Chapter to become a very active platform for IITBBS alumni serving in the hinterland of Bengaluru to connect with each other, the Pan IIT network, cooperate, and contribute for the values the institute stands for.

The third meet of the Alumni Association, which is also the 1st off campus meet of the Association was convened at the IIT Alumni Centre, Bengaluru (Venue: Bangalore International Centre) in the evening on the same day with large participation of the IITBBS Alumni, Presided over by Prof Raja Kumar, Director and graced by Prof. Ashok Mishra. Detailed discussions were held in the meeting with the alumni pertaining to improvement of alumni networking, better connectivity of the alumni with the Institute and the existing students, contribution of the alumni to the Institute in its growth as well as placement of the existing students.

Director made a detailed presentation on the speedy transformation the institute underwent in the recent past of four years, followed by a presentations on R&D and Alumni activities by Dean (R&D) and Dean (AAIR), respectively. The alumni were excited to learn about the recent developments of the Institute and promised to the Director and Deans that they would as ambassadors for the Institute.

Director proposed and it was also resolved that Alumni will help in extending the alumni activities beyond the boundary of the country starting with places like Bay area and Singapore. Director proposed to have alumni meets conducted in different regions of US, when the IITBBS team led by the Director visited the United States recently for faculty mobilization. Similarly it is planned to have alumni meet in Singapore when a team of Deans led by the Director, visits Singapore for faculty mobilization.