Opening for Visiting Faculty Positions for Professionals of Foreign Origin 
IIT Bhubaneswar is looking for dynamic and student friendly Academicians and Professionals of foreign origin who will be interested to spend one (01) semester to two (02) years and participate in teaching and research programs in its various Schools to join the Institute as Visiting Faculty. Depending on experience and merit, positions will be offered under the following categories:

  • Visiting Faculty at the level of Professor: Consolidated monthly remuneration will be fixed at Rs. 1,50,000/- to Rs. 2,00,000 (approximately equivalent to USD 2300-3000) per month.
  • Visiting Faculty at the level of Associate Professor: Consolidated monthly remuneration will be fixed at Rs. 1,30,000/- to Rs. 1,90,000 (approximately equivalent to USD 2000-2900) per month.
  • Visiting Faculty at the level of Assistant Professor: Consolidated monthly remuneration will be fixed at Rs. 80,000/- to Rs. 1,25,000/- (approximately equivalent to USD 1200-1900) per month.

In addition, the Institute will extend the following benefits:

  • Full support for To and Fro Air Travel in economy class
  • Rent free accommodation
  • Office Space with computer, telephone and internet
  • Free medical facility (OPD) at the Institute Hospital/ Option to avail Indian Medical Insurance cover
  • Medical benefit (for self and dependent) up to Rs.1.00 lakh per annum
  • Institute transport facility in lieu of travel allowance
  • An allowance up to INR 50,000/- for purchasing stationery, books, minor computer peripherals, and expenses for attending conference in India.

Faculty members/senior Researchers from internationally acclaimed Universities/ Institutions/Industries abroad are eligible for Professor and Associate Professor Positions.
Bright fresh graduates with a Ph.D. degree or Post-doctoral experience are eligible for Assistant Professor Position.
Academic Assignments: 
As a Visiting Faculty of the Institute one can engage in multiple assignments from among the following:

  • Teaching Core/Elective subjects,
  • Co-Supervising Under Graduate (B.Tech), Graduate (M.Sc, M.Tech) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) students,
  • Participating in externally funded projects as Co-Principal Investigator,
  • Writing joint project proposals for International funding,
  • Interacting/mentoring Under Graduate, Post Graduate, Doctoral students

There exists excellent scope to visit and collaborate with other sister institutions across India, like the IIT's and IIT Bhubaneswar encourages a Visiting Faculty to do so and there exists excellent scope to visit the heritage sites, and above all, a Visiting Professor under the present initiative can enjoy the Indian experience.
The Institute has been hosting Visiting Professors from USA, Canada, and UK who stayed with us for varying length of time, in the recent past. It may be emphasized that IIT Bhubaneswar has got benefitted enormously from the contribution of the Visiting Professors to the teaching-learning-research eco-system of the Institute and they too have expressed that it gave a rewarding experience for them as well.
Expression of Interest with CV may please be sent to:

Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar 751013, Odisha, India

Dean (Faculty)
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar 751013, Odisha, India