School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences


IIT Bhubaneswar Students Participated in INCOIS-OON Cruise Program

Ms. Nibedita Behera and Mr. Samar Kumar Ghose, PhD Students at the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences participated in the Earth System Sciences Organization- Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ESSO-INCOIS) Ocean Observation Networks (OON) cruise to Bay of Bengal during 16th December 2016 to 3rd January, 2017 onboard Ocean Research Vessel Sagar Nidhi. It was a multi-institutional cruise program with participants from various national institutions such as INCOIS, NIO, IISc, IIT Madras, IIT Bhubaneswar, and University of Hyderabad. The Cruise was conducted to collect valuable ocean data in the Bay of Bengal during the winter monsoon which is expected to provide new insights into the winter-time oceanic processes in this Bay.

Industrial/Field Works/Visits

A glimpse of Chilika Lake Sampling/Data collection


Land Surface Temperature Measurements using IR Thermometers at Bhubaneswar

Sea Surface Temperature Measurements at Chilika Lake


Industrial & field visit by the 1st year students of M.Sc. (Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences) and M.Tech. (Climate Science & Technology) to Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ESSO-MoES), Hyderabad during Dec. 03 – 06, 2014.


Participation in the training course titled "Trainers on Ocean Data Utilization and Ocean Observation System" by the 1st year students of M.Sc. (Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences) and M.Tech. (Climate Science & Technology), organized by International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean) ESSO-INCOIS, Hyderabad, India during 3rd – 6th Dec., 2014 (


Facility visit and in-house training for the 1st year students of M.Sc. (Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences) at the National Institute of Ocean Technology (MoES), Chennai during Dec. 08 – 12, 2014.


Industrial Tour & facility visit by the 1st year students of M.Sc. (Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences) and M.Tech. (Climate Science & Technology) to Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (ESSO-INCOIS), Hyderabad during Dec. 07 – 14, 2015.

TD Deployment for measurement of Geophysical Parameters in Chilika Lagoon by M.Sc. (Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences) and M.Tech. (Climate Science & Technology) during March 2015 (as part of regular Laboratory programmes & field visits)

Measurement of bio-geo-chemical parameters in Chilika Lagoon during November 2015 (part of Ocean Instrumentation & Observation Laboratory)

Deployment of Instruments for Ocean & Lake observations during May 2016

Geological & Geophysical Field work

Dec. 2014: Visit of Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd. (OMC) Chromite Mines and Resistivity Geophysical Survey.

Dec. 2015: Geological Field Work in Ambaji (Gujrat), and Puri Coast (Odisha).

List of Visitors

S.N. NAME Affiliation
1 Prof. Jon Bull NOC, Southampton, UK
2 Dr. B. B. Rath Naval Research Lab, USA
3 Lalu Man Singh University of Western Onterio, Canada
4 Prof. Enrique Curchister Rutgers University,USA
5 Dr. U. R. Rao Ex-Chairman, ISRO
6 Prof. Asit Biswas Third World Centre for Water Management in Mexico
7 Prof. Devesh Sinha Delhi University
8 Dr. S. M. Ahmed Hyderabad Central University
9 Dr. R. Venkatesan National Institute of Ocean Technology,Chennai
10 Prof. Avijit Gangopadhyay Univ. of Massachusetts, Dartmouth,USA
11 Dr. Glen Gerard Gawarkiewicz Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution(WHOI),USA
12 Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz WHOI, USA
13 Dr. R. Venkatesan NIOT, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Chennai
14 Prof. Dev Niyogi Perdue University, USA
15 Dr. Ziad S. Haddad JPL/Caltech, NASA
16 Dr. Virendra M. Tiwari Principal Scientist,  NGRI, Hyderabad
17 Dr. J Dash Southampton, UK
18 Dr. Jadunandan Dash University of Southampton,UK
19 Dr. Gareth Roberts University of Southampton,UK
20 Dr. Gareth Roberts University of Southampton, UK
21 Dr. Jadunandan Dash University of Southampton U.K
22 Prof.V Chandrasekhar International Research of Colorado State University(CSU),USA
23 Mr. Deepak Narayan Subramani MIT, USA
24 Prof. V. Chandrasekhar Colorado State University (CSU), USA
25 Prof.  Sumon K. Sinha President, Sinhatech, USA
26 Dr. R. Venkatesan NIOT, Chennai
27 Prof. Sumon K Sihna President, Sinhatech, USA
28 Dr. Shailesh Nayak Secretary, Ministry of Earth Sciences
29 Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz WHOI, USA
30 Prof. Tarun K. Dalai IISER Kolkata
31 Dr. R. Mohanty Former Add. Director, AMD - Hyderabad

Invited Lectures/Presentation by Faculty Members

  • Assessing deep sea temperature variability in East China Sea using population abundance and Mg/Ca ratio of benthic foraminifera, Singh, R. K., 2nd IODP Expedition 346 post cruise meeting, 22-24 January 2016. University of Melbourne, Australia.
  • Discovery of Polar Region, P. C. Pandey, NIST, Berhampur
  • Climate Change, P. C. Pandey, Odisha Mathematical Society.
  • Prediction of Tropical cyclones over Bay of Bengal using HWRF modeling system, U. C. Mohanty, Hurricane Research division, NOAA, Florida, USA, 16 June 2015.
  • Prediction of Extreme Weather Events and rainfall over Sri Lanka, U. C. Mohanty, Department of Irrigation, Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 7th January, 2016.
  • Quantification and Control of Non-point Source Pollution of Water Resources in Agricultural Watersheds, R. K. Panda, Mathematical modelling of Water pollution, 2015.
  • Estimation of Root-zone Soil Moisture at Finer Scale for Agriculture Risk Management, R. K. Panda, Development of Climate Risk Management Tool in Agriculture using Extended Range Forecast System, 2015, 15-20 Dec.
  • Aerosols and the Indian Monsoon Rainfall, Vinoj. V, India Meteorological Society, Bhubaneswar Chapter
  • Dust Aerosols and the Indian Rainfall, Vinoj. V, Grantham Research Institute at Imperial College, London, U.K
  • Atmospheric Aerosols and the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall, Vinoj. V, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram
  • West Asian Link to the Indian Monsoon Rainfall, Vinoj. V, National Climate Science Conference, IISc, Bangalore
  • Weather and Climate, D. Swain, Inter-District Children’s Science Congress on the theme Understanding Weather and Climate, 2015, Sep 27, Bhubaneswar.
  • Climate Change. Whats Next!!!, D. Swain, District Coodinators' Workshop for National Childrens Science Congress-2015 , 2015, July 11, Bhubaneswar.
  • Sensitivity of High-Resolution Simulations of Tropical Cyclones over Bay of Bengal to Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization, D. Rai, S. Pattnaik, P. V. Rajesh, National Seminar on Science and Technology for Indigenous Development in India, 09-11 Dec 2015, KIIT Bhubaneswar.
  • Land Surface-Precipitation Feedback Analysis for a Land falling Monsoon Depression in the Indian Region, H. Baisya, P. V. Rajesh, S. Pattnaik, National Symposium on Understanding and Forecasting the Monsoon Extremes ,23-26 Feb,2016, IITM Pune.
  • Sensitivity of Intensification of Tropical Cyclones to the Planetary Boundary Layer Parameterization over Bay of Bengal, D. Rai, S. Pattnaik, P. V. Rajesh, Climate Change and Extreme Weather: Assessment of Vulnerability for early warning, March 5, 2015, IMS Kolkata.
  • Cloud permitting modeling of shallow-to-deep convection transitions during the initiation and propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation, Sm Hagos, Zhe Feng, C. Long, K. Landu, BIRS workshop Stochasticity and Organization of Tropical Convection, 2015, April. 
  • Inception of the Indian monsoon and its abrupt behaviour since the latest Pleistocene., A.K. Gupta, M. Prakasam, A. Yuvaraja, Som Dutt, M. Das, R.K. Singh and A. Velu. , 30th Himalayan-Karokaram Thrust (HKT) conference, during 6-8th October 2015 at WIHG Dehradun.