IIT Bhubaneswar celebrated the International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2017 with the enthusiastic participation of students, faculty and staff with the celebrations spreading from 10th June to 21st June, 2017.
Preceding to the yoga day, the Institute has organized practice sessions on 10th, 17th, & 20th June 2017. On the first day, an expert Yoga teacher initially briefed about the essence of Yogic exercises on the health of individuals and thereafter, held a long practice session with demonstration of asanas. Faculty, staff and students enthusiastically participated during the practice sessions on all preceding days to acclimatize the body to Yogic exercises & Yoga. The participants were introduced to Yogasanas, Kapalbhati, Pranayama, Dhyna, Sankalpa and Meditation, as per the common protocol issued by Ministry of Ayush, Govt. of India. Payers were recited before and after the programme. The practice of the same was continued on 17th and 20th June, 2017. On the day of International Yoga Day i.e. on 21st June, 2017, an enthralling practice session with demonstrations was held.
The celebrations on Wednesday were started with lighting of lamp by Honorable Director Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar. He addressed the gathering about yoga and benefits of practicing Yoga to individual in everyday life and highlighted the potential for customization to suit the individual. He shared his experience & wisdom about his decade’s long Yoga practice. He, along with other participants, actively participated in the practice session. Mr. Tapan Mishara, a faculty Member of Art of Living, Bhubanewar, was invited on this occasion to teach Yoga with demonstrations. He also delivered an excellent talk on “Towards Excellence” and enlightened the participants about scientific relevance and importance of Yoga in our life and explained how a Yoga practiced perpetually benefits to reduce stress at work for a healthier body and mind.
Mr. Sitakanth Panda, President of Patanjali Yoga Samiti of Khurda District, and his team imparted the best Yoga training to all participants during the practice sessions. The whole programme was organized by Dr. B. Hanumantha Rao and arranged by Mr. SS Yadav, with active support from Prof. Pedireddi, Dean (SA) & Dr. Sankarsan Mohapatro, President Gymkhana.