Dr. R Venkata Raghavan Assistant Professor
School of Humanities, Social Sciences & Management

Research Interests

Indian Philosophy and allied disciplines

Contact Details

  • raghavan(AT)iitbbs(DOT)ac(DOT)in

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 Degree Discipline Year School
  B.Tech Electronics Engineering 2008 IIT (ISM) Dhanbad
  M. A. Philosophy 2013 University of Hyderabad
  Ph. D. Philosophy 2020 University of Hyderabad


I did my graduation in Electronics Engineering from IIT Dhanbad (ISM). After a brief stint as a software engineer at Samsung, I shifted my area of study to Philosophy. I did my PG and PhD from University of Hyderabad. My primary area of research is Philosophy of Language. My PhD thesis dealt with philosophical questions related to non-literal communication and was based on Indian philosophical and poetological works. I have been teaching courses in introductory philosophy, Indian Philosophy, Logic, Critical Thinking and Indian Knowledge Traditions since 2016. I am also keen on developing new ways (particularly examples) of teaching Philosophy to students, especially those students who do not have a background in Philosophy.
Note: Currently, I am not accepting any PhD students.


Introduction to Philosophy ; Indic Philosophy: Foundational Principles; Critical Thinking; Indian Knowledge Systems; Logic and Argumentation


Co-PI in the project titled 'Establishment of Centre of Excellence in IKS (in Chanakya University)' sanctioned by IKS Division @ AICTE, 2022.

Recent Publications (International Journals)

1Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S., Mark Greenwood, Don Wallace F. Dcruz, R. Venkata Raghavan, “Simpson’s Paradox and Causality”, American Philosophical Quarterly, Volume 52, Number 1, January 2015, pp.13-26

Recent Publications (National Journals)

1Venkata Raghavan R, “On The Contemporary Understanding of Ākāṅkṣā”, Prācī prajñā, Volume V, Issue VIII, June 2019, pp. 1-12.
2Venkata Raghavan R. and Naresh Keerthi, “Lakṣaṇā or Metaphor: A Conversation Between Mammaṭa and a Cognitive Linguist”, Journal of the Oriental Institute, Volume 70, August 2021, pp.81-104
3Venkata Raghavan R., “Beyond Smoke and Fire: Towards Developing New Tools For Teaching Anumāna”, Shodhsamhita (Journal of Kavikulaguru Kalidas Sanskrit University,Ramtek), Volume IX, Issue 1, January 2022, pp.297-305

Conferences (International)

1Naresh Keerthi, R. Venkata Raghavan, “Lakshana Identification Procedure: A new tool for diagnosing metaphor in language,” in Trends in Applied Linguistics and Language in Use (Proceedings of 40th International Conference of the Linguistic Society of India, Mysuru, 05th-07th Decemeber, 2018) edited by Tariq Khan, Central Institute of Indian Languages, 2020, pp. 159-172.
2Bandyopadhyay, Prasanta S., R. Venkata Raghavan, Don Wallace Freeman Dcruz, Gordon Brittan Jr., “Truths about Simpson’s Paradox:Saving the Paradox from Falsity”, In, Logic and Its Applications, Proceedings of ICLA 2015, LNCS 8923, edited by Mohua Banerjee and Shankara Narayanan Krishna, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 58–73

Academic Honors & Awards

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Research Scholar

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Professional Experience

      Guest Faculy, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, Dec 2016 - April 2017; Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Heritage, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, Ernakulam, May 2017 - January 2022; Assistant Professor, Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems, Chanakya University, Bengaluru, March 2022 - November 2022  

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