Prof. T.V.S. Sekhar Professor
School of Basic Sciences

Research Interests

Numerical Methods to PDE, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Contact Details

  • SBS - 326
  • +91 674 713 5162

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 Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph.D. Mathematics 1995 IIT Madras




B.Tech : Mathematics - 1(1st semester), Mathematics - 2 (2nd semester), Transform calculus (3rd semester), Partial differential equations(4th semester Mechanical Engineering) 
M.Tech : Mathematical methods ( 1st semester)
M.Sc : Numerical Analysis (2nd semester), Numerical Analysis Lab (2nd semester), Numerical solutions of ordinary and Partial differential equations (3rd semester), Partial Differential Equations (4th semester), Continuum Mechanics (2nd Semester)


Recent Publications (International Journals)

1S Ghosh, S Sarkar, R Sivakumar, T V S Sekhar "Forced convection magnetohydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder by considering the penetration of magnetic field inside it" Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 76, 32-49, 2019.
2S Sarkar, S Ghosh, R Sivakumar, T V S Sekhar "On the quasi-static approximation in the finite magnetic Reynolds number magnetohydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder" European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 77, 259-272, 2019.
3S Ghosh, S Sarkar, R Sivakumar, T V S Sekhar "Full magnetohydrodynamic flow past a circular cylinder considering the penetration of magnetic field" Physics of Fluids 30 (8), 087102, 2018.
4Nikunja Bihari Barik and T. V. S. Sekhar "An efficient local RBF meshless scheme for steady convection-diffusion problems" Int. J. Computational Methods, Vol. 14 (2017) 1750064 (17 pages).
5S. Udhayakumar, A. D. AbinRejeesh, T. V. S. Sekhar and R. Sivakumar "Study of directional control of heat transfer and flow control in the magnetohydrodynamic flow in cylindrical geometry" Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 61 (2016) 482-498.
6S. Vimala, S. Damodaran, R. Sivakumar, T.V.S. Sekhar "The role of magnetic Reynolds number in MHD forced convection heat transfer." Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 40, (2016) 6737-6753.
7S. Udhayakumar, A. D. B. Rejeesh, T. V. S. Sekhar and R. Sivakumar. "Numerical investigation of magnetohydrodynamic mixed convection over an isothermal circular cylinder in presence of an aligned magnetic field". Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 95 (2016) 379-292.
8 R. Sivakumar, S. Vimala, S. Damodaran and T. V. S. Sekhar . "Study of Heat Transfer Control with Magnetic Field Using Higher Order Finite Difference Scheme". Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 8 (2016) 449-463.
9T. V. S. Sekhar, B. Hema Sundar Raju and P.V.S.N. Murthy . "Higher order compact scheme for laminar natural convective heat transfer from a sphere". Applied Mathematical Modeling, 40 (2016) 2039-2055.
10S. Udhayakumar, T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar. "Numerical Experiments on the study of Mixed convection flow in cylindrical geometry."Numerical Heat Transfer Part A , 68 (2015) 870-886.
11R. Sivakumar, S. Vimala, and T. V. S. Sekhar. "Influence of Induced magnetic field on thermal MHD flow."Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, 68 (2015) 797-811.
12T. V. S. Sekhar and B. Hema Sundar Raju. "Spherical Geometry HOC Scheme to Capture Low Pressures within a Wake." East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 3 (2013) 93-106.
13T. V. S. Sekhar and B. Hema Sundar Raju. "An efficient Higher order compact scheme to capture heat transfer solutions in spherical geometry."Computer Physics Communications, 183 (2012) 2337-2345.
14B. Hema Sundar Raju and T. V. S. Sekhar. "Higher order compact scheme combined with multigrid method for momentum, pressure Poisson and energy equations in cylindrical geometry."The Open Numerical Methods Journal, 4 (2012) 46-58.
15T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar, S. Vimala and Y. V. S. S. Sanyasiraju. "A combined fourth order compact scheme with accelerated multigrid method for energy equation in spherical polar coordinates."Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 39 (2012) 32-45.
16T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar, T. V. R. Ravi Kumar and S. Vimala. "Numerical simulations of highly non-linear coupled full MHD equations in spherical geometry".Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 47 (2012) 599-615.
17T. V. S. Sekhar and B. Hema Sundar Raju and Y. V. S. S. Sanyasiraju. "Higher order compact scheme for incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in spherical geometry."Commun. Comp. Phys. 11(2012) 99-113.
18T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar, K. Subbarayudu and Y. V. S. S. Sanyasiraju. "Non-monotonic behavior of forced convective heat transfer under the influence of external magnetic field."Numerical Heat Transfer Part A, 59 (2011) 459 – 486.
19T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar and T. V. R. Ravi Kumar. "Effect of magnetic Reynolds number on 2-D hydromagnetic flow around a cylinder."Int. J. Num. Meth. in Fluids, 59 (2009) 1351-1368.
20T. V. S. Sekhar, R. Sivakumar, T. V. R. Ravi Kumar and K. Subbarayudu. "High Reynolds number incompressible MHD flow under low Rm approximation."Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 43 (2008), 231-240.

Academic Honors & Awards

  • Teaching Excellent Award from IIT Bhubaneswar in February 2016
  • Presented a paper in IMA conference on Numerical Methods for Simulation held in Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK during 1-4 September 2015.
  • Visiting Scholar to University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (U MAss D), USA during 8th June 2013 - to 8th August 2013.
  • Delivered a talk on "Higher Order Compact Scheme to capture low pressures within a wake and heat transfer solutions in spherical geometry" in Indo-German Conference held at TU Darmstadt Germany during 5-7 September 2012.
  • "Development of Higher Order Compact Scheme to capture Taylor column phenomena in rotating fluids", DST project in progress
  • "Validity of quasi-static approximation in magnetohydrodynamic flows and heat transfer - a numerical study". CSIR project completed successfully.
  • Qualified GATE-1990, Awarded SRF of CSIR, Awarded RA of CSIR (All over India level selections)

Research Scholar

PhD Guidance: Completed=5 (3 from IIT, Ongoing = 2
List of PhD scholars in IIT Bhubaneswar :
1. Madhumita Sahoo
2. Priyal Garg
3. Ankit Dhara
Awarded from IIT BBS
1. Nikunja Bihari Barik 
2. Samit Ghosh
3. Bapujii Sahoo
List of Post Doctoral scholars guided
1. Dr. Subharthi Sarkar
2. Dr. Bikash Mahato
3. Dr. Bapuji Sahoo

Professional Experience

Professional Experience

20 years+

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