1R. Kumar, R. Kuske and D. Yurchenko, (2025). Noise induced performance enhancement in TET through vibro-impact system, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS25), Denver, Colorado, USA. (Accepted)
2E. Almgren, H. Nguyen, N. Patel, C. Athanasouli, R. Kumar, R. Kuske, D. Yurchenko, (2025). Dynamics of a vibro-impact pair under non-harmonic period forcing, Fourth International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON), New Jersy, USA. (Accepted)
3R. Kumar, R. Kuske and D. Yurchenko, (2024). Understanding energy transfer through VINES
under random external excitation, Eleventh European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference
(ENOC), Delft, The Netherlands.
4R. Kumar, D. Yurchenko and R. Kuske, (2023). Influence of Noisy Excitation on Dynamics and
Energy Transfer Through VINES, The Euromech Colloquium on Non-Smooth Dynamical
Systems, Dublin, Ireland.
5R. Kumar, D. Yurchenko and R. Kuske, (2023). Performance Enhancement of Vibro-impact
Targeted Energy Transfer Within a Random Environment, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute
(EMI) Conference, Atlanta, USA.
6R. Kumar, D. Yurchenko and R. Kuske, (2023). Parametric Study of Targeted Energy Transfer
Through Vibro-Impact System Using Map Based Approach, SIAM Conference on Applications of
Dynamical Systems (DS23), Portland, Oregon, USA.
7M. H. Dalroti, R. Kumar, S. Gupta, S. F. Ali, G. Litak, (2020). Effects of additive noise on the
energy harvesting characteristics of a base excited double pendulum, Chaotic Modeling &
Simulation, Web Conference.
8H. Patel, R. Kumar and S. F. Ali, (2020). ROM integrated vibration control of stochastically
parametered flexible structures, Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE 2020),
Virtual Conference, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
9R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. F. Ali, (2020). Stochastic modelling and analysis of rotating bladed
discs, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo (TE20), Virtual Conference.
10H. Patel, R. Kumar and S. F. Ali, (2020). SEREP Integrated Control of Flexible Structures,
Advances in control and optimization of dynamical systems (ACODS), IIT Madras, India.
11R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. F. Ali, (2019). Vibration response of randomly parametered mistuned
bladed disc using stochastic reduced order model, 7th International Conference on Computational
Methods in Structural Dynamics, Crete, Greece.
12R. Kumar, S. Gupta and S. F. Ali, (2019). A data driven PC based approach for dynamic analysis
of stochastically parametered plate with square cut, SIAM Conference on Applications of
Dynamical Systems (DS19), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.