Dr. Aatish Anshuman Assistant Professor
School of Infrastructure

Research Interests

  • Groundwater recharge
  • Surface water-subsurface water interactions
  • Unsaturated zone hydrology
  • Numerical Modelling

Contact Details

  • 229,SIF
  • aanshuman@iitbbs.ac.in

Other Profile Link(s)


 Degree Discipline Year School
  Ph.D. Civil Engineering IIT Bombay
  M.Tech. Civil Engineering IIT Bombay


Dr. Aatish is an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of technology Bhubaneswar.  His research interests include understanding trends in surface water-groundwater fluxes, surface-subsurface interactions, and the unsaturated zone. He is actively involved in developing tools like numerical models and machine learning to explore various hydrological flow and transport processes.

Previously he was a Post-Doc at the University of Alabama where he did research on groundwater recharge in snow affected areas. His mentor was Prof. Mukesh Kumar. Prior to that, he was a Post-Doc briefly at Indian Institute of technology Bombay. He earned his PhD from Indian Institute of technology Bombay under the supervision of Prof. T.I. Eldho. He developed meshfree numerical models which can simulate reactive transport in groundwater. He also has experience in runoff modelling during his Masters at Indian Institute of technology Bombay.

Motivated candidates are encouraged to contact me through my e-mail for research opportunities. Please visit the research scholars / research group page


P.G. Level courses

  • Groundwater Hydrology (CE6L504)
  • Surface Hydrology (CE6L502)
  • Seminar -II (CE6S502)

U.G. Level courses

  • Engineering Drawing (CE1P001)
  • Water Resources Engineering Laboratory (CE3P003)


Recent Publications (International Journals)

1Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. Estimation of contamination release histories using meshless radial point collocation method and multiverse optimization. Journal of Hydroinformatics. IWA Publishing. 25 (3): 738–754. (2023) https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2023.126
2Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. A parallel workflow framework using encoder-decoder LSTMs for uncertainty quantification in contaminant source identification in groundwater. Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier ,619, 129296. (2023) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129296
3Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. Coupled flow and transport simulation involving rate-limited adsorption in highly heterogeneous unconfined aquifers using a local strong form meshless method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements,Elsevier 145, 1-12. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2022.09.012
4Anshuman, A. & Eldho, T.I. Meshfree local strong form based method for transport simulation of nonlinearly adsorbing solutes in highly heterogeneous confined aquifers. Water Resources Management. Springer ,36, pages1443–1461 (2022) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03092-6
5Anshuman, A. & Eldho, T.I. Entity aware sequence to sequence learning using LSTMs for estimation of groundwater contamination release history and transport parameters.Journal of Hydrology. Elsevier, 608, 127662 (2022). 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127662
6Anshuman, A., Kunnath-Poovakka, A., & Eldho, T. I. Performance evaluation of conceptual rainfall-runoff models GR4J and AWBM. ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Taylor & Francis 27(4), 365-374. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/09715010.2018.1556124
7Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. Meshfree radial point collocation-based coupled flow and transport model for simulation of multispecies linked first order reactions. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Elsevier 229, 103582. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2019.103582
8Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. Modeling of transport of first-order reaction networks in porous media using meshfree radial point collocation method. Computational Geosciences, Springer 23(6), 1369-1385. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10596-019-09906-8
9Anshuman, A., Eldho, T. I., & Singh, L. G. Simulation of reactive transport in porous media using radial point collocation method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Elsevier 104, 8-25. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.03.016
10Anshuman, A., Kunnath-Poovakka, A., & Eldho, T. I. Towards the use of conceptual models for water resource assessment in Indian tropical watersheds under monsoon-driven climatic conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, Springer 78(9), 282. (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8281-5

Recent Publications (National Journals)

1Anshuman, A., & Eldho, T. I. Estimation of Flow and Transport Parameters for a Confined Aquifer Using a Meshfree Simulation and Quantum Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization. Hydrology Journal, Indian Association of Hydrologists.

Conferences (International)

1Anshuman A, Kumar M. Estimation of episodic recharge in snow-dominated regions. CIROH 1st Annual Training and Developers Conference 2023, Salt Lake City, Utah (2023).
2Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Feeding Static Values to LSTMs for Seq2Seq Learning for Simultaneous Source Identification and Parameter Estimation In Groundwater. AGU Fall Meeting 2022 (Online) (2022).
3Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Long short-term memory networks for identification of contamination sources in groundwater. AGU Fall Meeting 2021 (Online) (2021).
4Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Meshfree models for simulation of reactive transport in groundwater systems. EGU General Assembly 2021 (Online) (2021)
5Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Identifying Contaminant Sources in Groundwater Using Kriging Based Surrogate Model and Particle Swarm Optimization, HYDRO 2020, Rourkela, India (2021).
6• Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Deep neural network-based surrogate model linked with particle swarm optimization for identification of subsurface contamination sources, AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (Online) (2020).
7Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. A meshfree radial point collocation method-based model for reactive transport simulation in groundwater, HYDRO 2019, Hyderabad, India (2019).
8• Anshuman A, Eldho T.I.* Simulation of Flow and Transport Process - Scope of Meshless Methods. ICCMS 2019. IIT Mandi (*Keynote speaker), India (2019)
9• Anshuman A, Eldho T.I., Optimal Remedial Design for Removal of Reactive Contaminant using Meshfree Radial Point Collocation Method and Particle Swarm Optimization. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, USA. (2019).
10Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Estimation of flow and transport parameters for a confined aquifer using a meshfree simulation and particle swarm optimization. IGWC 2019. IIT Roorkee (2019).
11Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Identifying the sources of reactive contaminants in groundwater aquifers using simulation-optimization approach. EWRA 2019, Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – UPM) Madrid (2019).
12Anshuman A., Kunnath-Poovakka, A., & Eldho, T. I. Performance Evaluation of SWAT with a Conceptual Rainfall Runoff Model GR4J a Catchment in Upper Godavari River Basin, SWAT 2018, IIT Madras, India (2018)
13Anshuman A., Kunnath-Poovakka, A., & Eldho, T. I. Performance evaluation of conceptual rainfall-runoff models GR4J and AWBM. HYDRO 2017; L.D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India (2017)

Conferences (National)

1• Anshuman A, Eldho T.I., Singh L. G Inverse modelling in groundwater using meshfree simulation and swarm optimization with application to source identification, INGWC 2021, Hyderabad, India (2021).
2Anshuman A, Eldho T.I. Reactive Transport Simulation in Porous Media using Meshfree Radial Point Collocation Method. NFiCE 2018, IIT Bombay. India. (2018

Academic Honors & Awards

  • IIT Bombay Travel Grant to attend EWRA 2019, Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – UPM) Madrid
  • Berkner Virtual Fellowship for attending AGU Fall Meeting 2020
  • Best presentation and best paper in Hydro 2020 International conference, Rourkela, India
  • Naik and Rastogi Excellence in PhD Research Award from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Research Scholar

Motivated candidates are encouraged to contact me through my e-mail for research opportunities under following themes.
  • Groundwater/ Surface water flux estimation
  • Interaction between surfacewater - groundwater. 
  • Numerical Model development for hydrological applications
  • Machine Learning applications in hydrology

Professional Experience

 Assistant Professor (Gr. II) IIT Bhubaneswar (Aug 2024- present) Postdoc Scientist, University of Alabama ( Oct 2022-Aug 2024) Postdoc Fellow, IIT Bombay (July-Oct 2022) Research Associate , IIT Bombay (Mar-Apr 2022) Research Fellow, IIT Bombay (Oct-Dec 2017)

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