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Microwave and Optical Engineering Research Group (MOE)
School of Electrical Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar

Research Group

Dr. Debalina Ghosh
Associate Professor
IIT Bhubaneswar
Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
IIT Bhubaneswar


Mr. Mrinal Datta
Technical Staff
S. No.
Student Name Thesis Title Supervisor Status
Lakshman Pappula Aperiodic Antenna Array Synthesis using nature inspired techniques Dr. Debalina Ghosh Completed
Bijayananda Patnaik Design and Analysis of Ultrahigh Bit-Rate Optical
Communication Systems
Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Completed
Himansu Shekhar Pradhan Design and Analysis of High Performance Long-Range Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensors Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Completed
Prakash Kumar Panda Performance Enhancement of Antennas using Metsurfaces Dr. Debalina Ghosh Completed
Silpi Ruchi Kerketta  Microwave Sensing System for Bone Health Evaluation Dr. Debalina Ghosh Completed
Ramji T Back scattering based long-range fiber sensor design and development Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Completed
Suman Mallik Design and analyis of next generation hybrid communciation system  Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Completed
Sarthak Mohapatra Performance evaluation of Diamond detector for harsh envirnoment applications Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
& Dr. N.N. Murty
Amit Sarkar Human Vital Signs Detection through Obstructive Environment using Radar System Dr. Debalina Ghosh Completed
Punayatoya Routray Analysis and design of metamaterial based absorber and polarizer and their applications Dr. Debalina Ghosh Continuing
Manish Mishra Design and Studies of Fiber Sensors for Health Care Applications Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu Continuing
Vaibhav Millimetre-wave Radar Design and Analysis Dr. Debalina Ghosh Continuing
Nishtha Srivastava Machine Learning in Bio-Radar Dr. Debalina Ghosh
& Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
Subhrajyoti Sunani Hybrid RF-FSO Communication System Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
& Dr. Debalina Ghosh
Tasmin Mishra OTFS for Integrated Communication and Sensing Dr. Debalina Ghosh
& Dr. Prasant Kumar Sahu
S. No.
Student Name Year Project Title
Utkarsh Sharma 2014 Health Monitoring and Damge Identification using Fiber Optics Sensor 
S  Sarath Chandra 2014 Performance Analyis and design of DWDM fiber optics communciation system
Mohan Lal  2014 Design and Analysis of Microstrip Fractal Antennas
Anil K Yadav 2014 Sparse Representation based Algorithm for Simultaneous Detection and Elimination of Impulsive Noise from Audio Signals
D Satya Ganesh 2016 Speech Based Access of Agricultural Dealers Information in Odia Language
Tarun Prakash  2016 Design of Ultra-Wideband Pulse Generator 
Pankaj Ku Singh 2017 UWB Pulse Generation Using Optical Method
S H Basha  2017 Radio over Fiber for Next Generation Communication 
C Aswini J  2017 A Novel PPM Scheme for Outdoor Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Communication 
Saket Kumar  2017 Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Transceiver for Wideband Systems 
Nithin Kumar  2018 Corrosion monitoring using optical fiber sensor 
Md Taufeeq Ahmed 2018 Ultra-Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing-Passive Optical Networks
Ayush K Singh  2018 Energy Harvesting for Target Detection 
Gaurav B Bansode  2018 Design and Implementation of Optical Rectenna for IR Energy Harvesting 
Kalla jaya Teja 2019 Design and development of elderly care system
Deepak Kumar  2019 Human Vital sign clasification using RADAR
G Shruti 2019 Study of mutual coupling in linear and conformal arrays
18 Mr. Govind Satpathy 2020 Analysis and Simulation of MIMO-OFDM system
19 Mr. Kandregula Chanukya 2020 Speech based Health Care System
20 Mr. Debashis Samanta 2021 Analysis of FBG based Sensors for SHM
21 Mr. B. Srujan Kumar 2021 Micro-Doppler Analysis of Drones
21 Mr. Ranjith Kumar 2022 Detection of Human Activity Behind the Wall using RF Signals
S. No. Student Name Roll No Project Title Supervisor
2008 - 2012
Atul Naharwara, Sumeet Keshkar 08EE010XX Design And Development Of Efficient Mismatch Filters For Pulse Compression In Radar Prof. G. Panda
Dr. P.K. Sahu 
Vasu Gupta, Sahil Makkar 08EE010XX Secure Data Transmission Protocol For Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks Dr. P. K. Sahu
Dr. S. N. Panigrahi
Prof. S.C. De Sarkar 
Gaurav Sharma, Rohin Bisht 08EE010XX Inter Satellite Communication Link Design Using Free Space Optics Dr. P K Sahu
Dr. D Ghosh
R. Sanjay 08EE010XX Using Ground Penetrating Radar To Characterize Concrete Dr. D. Pasla
Dr. D. Ghosh
2009 - 2013
Rakesh Kumar Mallik  09EE01031 Sidelobe Cancellation Using Adaptive Beamforming Dr. P K Sahu
Dr. D Ghosh
Bodala Indu Prasad 09EE01011 Adaptive Beamforming For Smart Antenna Systems Dr. P K Sahu
Dr. D Ghosh
Samireddy Poornachandra 09EE01034 Design And Simulation Of Tilted Fiber Bragg Gratings Dr. P.K. Sahu 
Gudibandi Sai Srujan 09EE01040 Forward And Inverse Problem Of Eeg Source Dr. P.K. Sahu 
2010 - 2014
9 S Navya 10EE01009 Reduction Of SAR In Mobile Phones Dr. D Ghosh
10 B Narasimha Rao 10EE01044 Reduction Of SAR By EBG Structures Dr. D Ghosh
11 N Vasanthi 10EE01039 Through-Wall Imaging Radar Dr. D Ghosh
12 G Ashish 10EE01040 Through-Wall Imaging Radar Dr. D Ghosh
13 Punang Padhy 10EE01026 Generation, Detection And Applications Of Terahertz Radiation Dr. R Jha/ Dr. P K Sahu
2011 - 2015
14 Vijay Meena  11EE01039 Development Of A Heart Rate Monitor Dr. D. Ghosh
15 Kotha Hari Krishna 11EE01023  Design Of A Wireless Bio‐Radar Sensor Dr. D. Ghosh
16 Bhukya Chandini Bai  11EE01040  Studies On Denoising Of Ecg Signal Using Signal Procesing Techniques Dr. P K Sahu
Dr. D Ghosh
2012 - 2016
17 N. Naga Avinash 12EE01011 Conformal Array Of Antennas For Space Applications Dr. D. Ghosh
18 C Yogith Krishna 12EE01022 Studies On Next Generation Passive Optical Networks Dr. P.K. Sahu 
19 K.Goutham Reddy 12EE01041 Studies On Next Generation Passive Optical Networks Dr. P.K. Sahu 
2013 - 2017
20 M Phanidhar 13EE01007 Design Of LNA For UWB Applications Dr. D Ghosh
21 Mounika G 13EE01004 Fiber Optics Based Ultra High Bitrate Communication System Design Dr. P K Sahu
22 Kunjan Shrivastava 13EE01028 Fiber Optics Based Ultra High Bitrate Communication System Design Dr. P K Sahu
2014 - 2018
23 A.Praveen 14EE01038 Design Of Automated 3D Positioner Dr. D Ghosh
24 Singampalli Vamsi Murali 14EE01040 Design Of Sensors For Biological Systems Dr. D Ghosh
25 Aishwarya Chaturvedi 14EE01042 Design And Study Of Wireless Jammer And Its Impact On Vanets Dr. P K Sahu
26 S.Achyutha Rami Reddy 14EE01028 Simulation And Analysis Of Different OFDM Optical Communication Systems Dr. P K Sahu
2015 - 2019
27 B. Sai Anurag   Classification of Plant Health and Design Of Automated Plant Sprayer Dr. D Ghosh
28 K Pranay Raj   Cancer Cell Classification using MRI Images Dr. D Ghosh
29 Anirudhha Dubey   Wireless Sensor Network Protocol Optimization Dr. P K Sahu
30 Debjani Bramha   Design and Implementation of Smart Homes Dr. P K Sahu
2016 - 2020
31 Mr. Jampala Vishne Teja 16EC01006 Design and study of an Antenna positioning system Dr. P K Sahu
32 Mr.Chirag Malhan 16EC01018 Study of Face Recognition  using MATLAB Dr. P K Sahu
33 Mr.Pureti Ajay 16EC01033 Health monitoring   Using IoT Dr. P K Sahu
34 Mr.Rahul Sabnani 16EC01005 Quantum Computing Dr. D Ghosh
35 Mr. L V Kumar Reddy 16EC01017 Emotion detection using Machine learning Dr. D Ghosh
36 Ms. Kamalapadu Sahithya 16EC01021 Video based Authentication and Identification Dr. D Ghosh
37 Mr. Aditya Pratap Singh 16EC01028 Vehicular Radar Dr. D Ghosh
38 Mr. Dhulipalla Sai Kiran 16EC01010 Video Surveillance using low computational Resource Dr. P K Sahu
2017 - 2021
39 Mr. Vikash Gupta 17EC01022 Machine Learning in Medical Field Dr. P K Sahu
40 Mr. V. Prasanth Kumar 17EC01006 Study and Appl of Machine Learning Algorithms Dr. P K Sahu
41 Mr. G. Yashwant Sai 17EC01021 Interactive Learning using Augmented Reality Dr. P K Sahu
42 Mr. P. Rajitha 17EC01026 Real World Appl of Machine Learning Dr. P K Sahu
43 Mr. Saurabh Roychowdhury 17EC01046 Classification of targets based on RCS values Dr. D Ghosh
44 Ms. Sailaja P 17EC01027 Error Reduction in Root Music DoA Estimation using Machine Learning Dr. D Ghosh
45 Mr. Soumya K Bera 17EC01005 DoA Estimation for Element Failure using Machine Learning Dr. D Ghosh
2018 - 2022
46 Mr. M. Abhilash Reddy 18EC01005 Lung Nodule Classification Using Machine Learning Dr. D Ghosh
47 Ms. Yeddula Kavya 18EC01018 Vehicle Speed Detection using SDR Dr. P K Sahu
48 Mr. Manikonda Anirudh 18EC01022 Deep Learning-based Drone Detection Dr. D Ghosh
49 Mr. Bheema Rohith 18EC01023 On-road Vehicular Classification using Deep Learning Dr. D Ghosh
50 Mr. Nallamala Yaswanth 18EC01025 WiFi Jamming Analysis using SDR Dr. P K Sahu
51 Ms. Devasani Madhumitha 18EC01030 Object Detection using SDR Dr. P K Sahu
2019 - 2023
52 Mr. Harshit Saini 19EC01011 Optimum Matching Medium Design for Implant Communications using Machine Learning Dr. D Ghosh
53 Mr. Amajala Abhiram 19EC01018 Antenna optimization using Machine Learning Methods Dr. D Ghosh
54 Mr. Sivaraj Sathiya Seelan 19EC01023 Machine Learning Assisted Array Synthesis Dr. D Ghosh
55 Mr. Pasula Vidwan Gagan 19EC01037 Antenna Design and Optimisation using Consensus Deep Neural Networks Dr. D Ghosh
56 Mr. Gowtham Gorajana 19EC01031 Remote Sensing and Human Activity Recognition using Channel State Information(CSI) Dr. P K Sahu
57 Mr. Nishan Jain 19EC01046 Studies on Speech Emotion Recognition of Hindi speech using machine learning techniques Dr. P K Sahu
58 Mr. Nagulapally Anudeep 19EC01001 Classification of Objectionable Content from Online Sources and Social Media Applications Dr. P K Sahu
59 Mr. Sonutez Gottimukkala 19EC01004 Real-time Object Detection using YOLO Algorithm Dr. P K Sahu
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