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Programme Schedule

of 11th Convocation, IIT Bhubaneswar

Programme Schedule

Minute-to-Minute Programme

10:25 hrs.

Academic Procession proceeds to the Convocation Hall from the robing area

10:30 hrs.

Academic Procession arrives in the Convocation Hall

10:31 hrs.

National  Anthem

10:33 hrs.

Chairman, Board of Governors declares the 11th Annual Convocation open

10:34 hrs.

Welcome Address and Report by the Director

10:50 hrs.

Award of Degrees by the Director

Dean, Academic Affairs presents Ph.D. degree recipients

Director hands over the degrees

Dean, Academic Affairs presents M. Tech. degree recipients

Director hands over the degrees

Heads of Schools present the M.Sc. degree recipients:

i) Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences ii) Geology iii) Chemistry iv) Mathematics  v)  Physics

Director hands over the degrees

Heads of Schools present Dual Degree recipients:

 i) Civil Engineering, ii) Mechanical Engineering , iii) Electrical Engineering, iv)  Computer Science & Engineering, v) Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Director hands over the degrees

Heads of Schools present B. Tech. and B. Tech.(Hons) degree recipients:

i) Civil Engineering, ii) Computer Science and Engineering, iii) Electrical Engineering, iv) Electronics and Communication Engineering, v)Mechanical Engineering, vi)  Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Director hands over the degrees

Director charges all the degree recipients

12:25 hrs.

Dean (Academic Affairs) presents the Medal recipients

The Chief Guest awards the President of India Gold Medal, Director’s Gold Medals and Institute Silver Medals

12:33 hrs.

Taking of Pledge by the degree recipients

(Pledge will be read by the President’s Gold Medal recipient in Sanskrit)

12:36 hrs.

Address by the Chairman, Board of Governors.

Chairman, Board of Governors  introduces briefly and requests the  Chief Guest to deliver his Address

12:43 hrs.

Address by the Chief Guest

13.18 hrs.

Presentation of Memento to the Chief Guest by the Director

13.21 hrs.

Chairman, Board of Governors proposes the Vote of Thanks and declares 11th Annual Convocation closed

13.24 hrs.

National  Anthem

13.25 hrs.

Academic Procession returns

Return of the degree recipients and guests