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Message from the Director for gratifying service from our Faculty and Staff during and after cyclone "Fani"


Dear All,


The extremely severe cyclone “FANI” struck IIT Bhubaneswar with wind speeds touching 190 KM/hr, causing serious damages to Civil and electrical infrastructure and vegetation in the campus. There were no casualties reported inside the campus due to precautionary steps taken, but minor injuries were sustained by 12 persons.

All emergency services continued on 3rd, the day of the cyclone. Other operations of 3rd May were disrupted, but were back in full swing on Monday, the next working day and it has been ‘education as usual’, since then. We could have continuation of electricity and intranet services, but due to some lacunae, we could only resume these, a day later. Internet service and cellular service resumptions were delayed till yesterday, and continuing to be problematic due to issues at the service provider’s end.

The exams of 3rd and 4th were conducted during 6th-8th and our students were relieved of their exam stress before leaving for vacation. There has been no disruption in the academic calendar. Even M.Tech admissions for those arrived on 3rd and 4th could be completed without causing any discomfort to them. All selections of faculty and staff continued, except for rescheduling of one staff selection. We could take corrective steps for plantations.

Overall, the institute showed excellent resilience, it did setup an outstanding example and I am sure that it is gratifying to all of us and we feel proud about it. This would not have happened but for the active participation of many faculty members, officers, staff members, outsourced and contractual staff in continuation/resumption of services and cooperation from our students. I would like to personally thank one and all who contributed and urge everyone to work with a stronger resolve to make the institute continue to stand up with its head held high.

Thank you, once again and with best wishes.


Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar,
Director, IIT Bhubaneswar.




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