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International Women’s Day Celebration – 2017

Women’s Grievance Redressal Committee (WGRC), IIT Bhubaneswar organized a three day programme as a part of International women’s day celebration-2017.  

1st Day (4.3.2017): Theme based completions on various events.  

Students from IIT Bhubaneswar and nearby educational institutions participated in various competitions. Shristy Jha, Sreeja Das, Mridul Rai, Sangeeta, Satya Samiran Nayak, Ganesh Niranjan Rao, Paritosh Pandey Sayani Bhattacharyya and Gauravi Kabaddi won the prizes in various competitions.

2nd Day (5.3.2017): Awareness programme on “Women rights as well as health & hygiene”.

The programme was graced by the presence of Chief guest Dr. Sruti Mohapatra, the Chairman of Swabhiman, a State Disability Information and Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar and Dr. Purarama Pradhan, Medical Officer, IIT Bhubaneswar.  Dr. Sruti Mohapatra gave an inspiring lecture about the importance of the theme “be bold for change” stating her own experience. Dr Purarama Pradhan gave insight to human health, hygiene and safety during the awareness programme.

3rd Day (8.3.2017): International Women’s Day Lecture & Cultural evening

The three day programme reached its culmination on 8th March 2017. Dr. Rajashree Bothale, Senior Scientist & Head of Water Resource Division, National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad was the chief guest for the evening. The programme started with lighting the lamp followed by formal welcome address by the chairperson, WGRC. Honorable director Prof. R V Rajakumar gave the presidential address by sharing his thoughts and insights on the importance of such celebration. The chief guest of the day, Dr. Rajashree Bothale, gave women’s day lecture on “Scientific expedition to Antarctica”. The audience were fascinated by the unique and once-in-a-lifetime lecture experience. Thereafter, prizes were distributed to the winners in various competitions. The event was concluded by cultural programme with the performance from music society, dramatics society, and a narrative play by faculty members and their family. This events were sandwiched by some remarkable solo performances by the students.  The program concluded with a token of appreciation given to the performers by honourable director Prof. R V Rajakumar, Chief guest Dr Rajashree Bothale and Dean R&D prof. R K Panda. Student coordinator, WGRC thanked each and every one to make the IWD celebration 2017 by WGRC a successful event.


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