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IIT Bhubaneswar Celebrated International Yoga Day

The Institute celebrated the “International Day of Yoga” grandly with the enthusiastic participation of students, faculty and staff. Initial two days (19th and 20th June) were dedicated to introduction and practice sessions where participants were introduced to Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation and got acclimatized. Finally on 21st June a short demonstration was followed by a grand Yoga practice.
The celebration was started by lighting the lamp by honorable director Prof. R. V. Rajakumar. He addressed the gathering about yoga and its importance. He shared his experiences & wisdom about his decade’s long Yoga practices. Then along with all other participants he also participated in Yoga. Swami Dr. Mangalteertham, the director of Nutan Sanjeevani Sansthan, Deoghar was invited on this special occasion to teach and demonstrate about Yoga, its scientific relevance and benefits. He explained the importance and benefits of Yoga in our life and also he explained how Yoga plays very important role to reduce the stress in life.
The celebration ended with a short Yoga Dance, performed by school children of the DAV School - Unit VIII and a vote of thanks by the EAA coordinator, Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh.

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