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Message from Director to selected MTech students

Dear prospective IITian!

Congratulations for your success at GATE2016 and for getting selected for Masters Education at IIT Bhubaneswar. I welcome you to complete the formalities and to register for your courses at the institute on 18th July 2016.

We believe that each one of you have the potential to shoulder the IIT-brand as you move along in your personal and professional life. I am sure; you are aware of the fact that the experience you will get through an IIT-education system is uncountable and eagerly looking forward for experiencing the same.
At the moment, you may be also curious about what is in store for you at IIT Bhubaneswar. As an IITian myself, and now in-charge of a fast growing IIT, I would like to appraise you about the prospects and perspectives that await for you at IIT Bhubaneswar and to call upon you to be prepared to unleash the potential in you in the right perspective to enrich your knowledge and other cognitive skills using the ecosystem of IIT Bhubaneswar.
About Academics @ IIT Bhubaneswar:
At IIT-Bhubaneswar, we rely on a pedagogy that promotes creativity and innovation. Creativity flourishes in an atmosphere that is cordial, friendly, participatory and yet challenging. Every course is designed, delivered and monitored in a manner that will add immense value to a student. We equally emphasize on the development of core human values, mental well-being and physical well-being of our students. Important features include the following:
·     A holistic education with well-defined curricula that offer a lot of choices to students is offered through teaching-learning practices of high standards.
·     The undergraduate and postgraduate curricula are well-endowed with core, breadth and elective subjects. Breadth courses offer a wide variety of courses such as, Entrepreneurship & Small Ventures, General studies & Current Affairs, Odissi Dance besides cutting edge technology and Science subjects. Shortly, the undergraduate students also would enjoy the option of earning a minor alongside a major degree.
·     As research is integrated into the academic life-line of the institute, all students find ample scope to experience innovation at bench-level – be it in a laboratory class, summer/winter internship (in India and abroad), a visit to an industry or undertaking of a mini or major project in the institute. The institute also provides financial support to students for presenting a paper abroad in reputed conferences.
·     The Institute is endowed with research grants from various agencies. Some of the Centres of Excellence which have come up and are on the anvil include Design Innovation Centre, Bay of Bengal Coastal Observatory, Centre for Management and Training for Rural Road Research, Dr SK Dash Centre of Excellence on Bio-Science, Engineering and Technology, Centre of Excellence on Novel Energy Materials, Centre for Advance Research in Next Generation Networks and Centre of Excellence in Precision and Micro Manufacturing. The students associated directly or indirectly in these centres will be richly rewarded with world-class research experience.
·     The Career Development Cell (CDC) is actively mentoring students in making a careful decision about career path. While a number of our graduating students opt for higher studies across the globe, the rest aim for jobs. Last year IIT Bhubaneswar recorded an 80% rise in placements over the earlier years, it is going very strong and shall offer excellent job opportunities. 
About the permanent campus and facilities:
    As the serene and scenic permanent campus of IIT Bhubaneswar beckons you, let me articulate some of the major establishments/initiatives/happenings. Please do not hesitate to visit the following link (http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/aboutcampus.php) of our web site for glimpses. 
·     All of your theory classes would run in the permanent campus. The campus has a library, e-class rooms, and a general computing facility which are kept open for extended hours for the benefit of the students. While for some of the programmes, the laboratory classes also will be held at the permanent campus, others will have it in the transit campus for up to one semester after which they will be shifted to the permanent campus.
·     The campus has a good security system with video surveillance, a bank, ATMs and a mini-market and regular campus bus service to the transit campus located within the city.
·     All hostel rooms are single seated with essential amenities including Gigabit Ethernet to individual rooms and Internet access through fibre optic network as well as point-to-point Wireless bridges.
·     Play fields and Gym facilities are available right in the hostels apart from a common ground to promote sports activity. An active Students’ Gymkhana supports more than a dozen technical and cultural societies for you to join and make the best use of the same. 
·     A Health Centre with round the clock availability of experienced doctors including a lady doctor, paramedical staff nurses, life-saving drugs and well equipped ambulances to attend to emergencies. 
Connections and Scope for Participation in National Missions:

   In recent times, the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India unleashed a number of initiatives which are being implemented at IIT Bhubaneswar in a spirited manner. It is worth making you be aware of some of these at this juncture and look forward for your participation:

·     As a part of the Start-up India campaign which is being sphere headed directly by the hon’ble Prime Minister, the institute has established a technology incubator and a start-up center. The institute encourages its students to incubate technologies and provides deferred placement and opportunity to enrol in some select courses to earn credits, to those graduating students who enrol in the incubator or start-up center.

·     Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA) is a flagship mission of the MHRD, in which our Institute is participating actively targeting improvement of rural life through innovative and affordable technological interventions. Six villages have been adopted by the Institute where our students are making meaningful contributions. You will have a good scope to participate, contribute and have fulfilment of your social responsibilities.

·     The Institute has also taken up projects under IMPacting Research Innovation and Technology (IMPRINT) program which has been set to meet the some of the grand challenges facing the Indian society and impact on the standard of living in the rural/urban areas through research and innovation. Your batch of students would have an opportunity to participate.

·     There exists ample opportunity to connect with peers in the IIT system. Through a number of workshops, seminars, lecture series, techno-management and socio-cultural events, the students at IIT Bhubaneswar gain the much needed skills to communicate, cooperate and contribute in professional life after their graduation.

    Dear students, I articulated the above lines as a means to apprise you of our effort in careful planning, prioritization, implementation and furthering of the IIT-system at IIT Bhubaneswar. I am sure that in the coming days these efforts will bear fruits by shaping your lives. I also hope that you will take up the challenges and impact the society through your academic and non-academic activities. With this, I wish you, on the behalf of IIT Bhubaneswar family, all the very best for a bright and prosperous future and look forward to meeting you.


 Prof Raja Kumar


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