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Hybrid Multi-Scale Manufacturing Processes and Systems: A Virtual Tour of Northwestern Manufacturing, by Prof. Kornel Ehmann

School of Mechanical Science has planned to conduct a series of webinars on recent development in various fields of mechanical Engineering. The next talk of the planned series will be held on Tuesday (01.12.2020) and the details are as follows:

Speaker: Prof. Kornel Ehmann, Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, Evanston, US
Title: Hybrid Multi-Scale Manufacturing Processes and Systems: A Virtual Tour of Northwestern Manufacturing
Date: 01.12.2020
Time to join: 6:50 PM

About the Speaker:

Prof. Kornel F. Ehmann is the James N. and Nancy J. Farley Professor in Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University, Evanston, US. He did his B.S. as well as MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Belgrade Yugoslavia and earned his Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in 1979. He has also held positions as an adjunct professor of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign, a Distinguished Honorary Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at IIT-Kanpur, India, a University Chair Professor of Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Li, Taiwan, and a visiting professor at the University of Belgrade. He is a Fellow of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) as well as SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers).

The main research interests of Prof. Ehmann are the interrelated areas of machine tool structural dynamics, metal cutting processes and dynamics, computer control of machine tools and robots, accuracy control in machining, and micro/meso-scale manufacturing. His vast research contributions to the field of manufacturing engineering have earned him the post of technical editor of renowned Transactions of ASME - Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering. He is also a part of editorial boards of SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes and Int. Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.

Find more details about the speaker in the following link:

Abstract of the talk:

Current scientific understanding and available technologies are still limited in their ability to generate engineering solutions and meet manufacturing demands imposed by ever increasing requirements on manufacturing and functional efficiencies as they relate to accuracy, productivity, production control, waste reduction, and customization, to mention a few. To this end, developments that address some existing process- and system-related limitations will be presented. First, several newly conceived processes and enhanced versions of conventional processes principally in the areas of cutting-, laser-, deformation- and additive-based methods, spanning the micro- to the macro-scales, will be introduced. Examples will include methods for the generation of micro-features and engineered surfaces in terms of their topographical and physical properties to meet precisely prescribed functional characteristics at the micro-scale along with rapid prototyping methods for functional parts at the macro-scale. Second, the impetus provided by advances in IT technologies that are gradually finding inroads into all realms of advanced manufacturing enterprises ranging from the basic monitoring and control of the hardware functions of the production machinery through process control to the management of the supply chains will be discussed. To this end, current efforts toward the development of an operating system for cyber-physical systems and the creation of a generic process control platform for distributed systems will be presented. The examples presented will princip

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