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IIT Bhubaneswar to Celebrate the Engineer's day to mark the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya, one of the greatest engineers of India

IIT Bhubaneswar is celebrating the Engineer's Day on 15th September, 2020 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya (Sir MV, the builder of India).

On this occasion, Prof. Siddhartha Panda of IIT Kanpur will present an on-line Keynote lecture, details of which including the link are mentioned  below.

We are inviting one and all to participate in the event and make it successful.


11.10 - 11.25 Address by Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar, Director
11.25 - 11.30 Introduction of the Speaker
11.30 - 12.15 Lecture by Prof. Siddhartha Panda
12.15 - 12.20 Vote of thanks

Please find the link for tomorrow's webinar "Engineer's Day Lecture". Click here for Webinar Link


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