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Students of IIT Bhubaneswar appreciated for their contribution by TATA Steel Long Products Limited

Students of IIT Bhubaneswar belonging to various schools ranging from SMMME, SMS and SES were bestowed with "Certificate for invaluable contributions" by TATA Steel Long Products Limited, Joda, Odisha, on Feb. 25 2020 based on their work related to "Dynamic model-based operation of sponge iron kilns"during their course of internship in May-June 2019 and are also subsequently working further on the assigned internship projects to submit research reports and publications.

Three papers have been accepted at international conferences and one paper submitted to an international Research journal of repute.

Prof. R V Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar expressed his heartiest congratulations to the students on this occasion.

The students names from the various schools who won the laurels are listed below:

School of Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
All B.TEch. in third year now
School of Electrical Sciences
Final Year
School of Mechanical Sciences
Ph.D. student in 2019
1.Tanmay Maloo
2.Alla Lohith
3.Parida Himanshu Prakashchandra
4.Shibu Meher
5.Prosenjit Das
6.Vijay Surya Vempati 7.Puneet Choudhary

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