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Celebration of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat with paired states of Maharashtra and Odisha at IIT Bhubaneswar on 15th Feb, 2020

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar has celebrated Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB) day, with paired states of Maharashtra and Odisha in its Campus at Argul on 15th Feb, 2020. After completing organisation of sixteen informative cultural events of sixteen paired states during November 2017 to March 2019 in a spirited manner, IIT Bhubaneswar is going to organise the monthly celebration of EBSB day with different paired state throughout the year starting with this event held on 15th February 2020.

There was huge participation from all groups of IIT Bhubaneswar family. On this occasion, 42 performers including students, staffs, faculty and their family members from different age groups, cultures, and states participated in the social and cultural events of these paired states Odisha and Maharastra. The programme started with informative video display, and slideshow showing the photographs with information depicting the history, culture, flora, fauna, heritage, art and craft of the paired states. Several beautiful Odia and Marathi songs were sung by students along with poetry recital. More than 300 audiences witnessed the brilliant event and appreciated the entertaining performances. NSS team has performed a beautiful skit on the theme of EBSB.

Quiz completions based on the paired states at different level of difficulties for participants including students, staffs, faculty, residents of IIT Bhubaneswar were organized in the institute with the help of Quiz Club of IIT Bhubaneswar on this occasion by EBSB club.

Prof. R.V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar appraised the audience the role of uitity and the vision of being Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat. He has expressed his pleasure with this initiative of MHRD and congratulated the organising team for organising the event enthusiastically. Coordinator, EBSB Dr. Rajesh Roshan Dash, on behalf of the EBSB coordinating team, welcomed the audience on this occasion. Nodal officer, EBSB Prof. V.R. Pedireddi and other EBSB team members including Dr. Manaswini Dr. Seema, Dr. Sankarshan and Dr. Srikant were present in the event.

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