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Vigilance Awareness Week observed at IIT Bhubaneswar

02nd Nov, 2019, Bhubaneswar: IIT Bhubaneswar observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2019, a week long programme started on 28th October to 02nd November 2019 as mandated by the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC). On 28th Oct, 2019, a pledge taking ceremony addressal was organized at the Main Admin Building. On 2nd Nov, 2019, a half day workshop on, “Integrity: A way of life” was organized at the Community Centre of IIT Bhubaneswar. The chief guest of the event was Shri. G.C. Pati, Former Chief Secretary, Govt. of Odisha who delivered a talk on topic Integrity and transparency in Public Administration. The event was presided by Prof. R.V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar and Prof. R. K. Panda, the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of the Institute along with the other dignitaries.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. R. V. Raja Kumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar reiterated IIT system is known for its transparency and ethical standards, while contributing to the nation building. He spoke about the high standards being practised at IIT Bhubaneswar. Owing to such initiatives, the Institution has made a significant rise on all fronts and the same is getting reflected in all national and international ranking frameworks. He also spoke about how transparency is pre-requisite. He also stressed on the impact of Preventive Vigilance for putting a check on corrupt practices. He called upon the faculty and staff members to be honest in their day to day activities and contribute to the best of their abilities.

Prof. R K. Panda in his inaugural address spoke about Integrity being an essential part of life and how it is playing a vital role in the nation building exercise.

To commemorate this celebration, special talks were organized at the Community Centre where the plenary speakers like Shri Sunil Mishra, State Chief Information Commissioner, Odisha spoke on Integrity in Enforcement: The Ground and Goals of Governance, General Basant Mahapatra, AVSM on Integrity: The Essence of Life, Shri Nirmai Charan Padhi, IPS (Retd.), Former Director General of Police, Odisha on Integrity in Policing the Public: Retrospect’s and Prospects. Prof. Godabarisha Mishra and Dr. Vineet Sahu, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bhubaneswar spoke on Rights and Duties: Indian Epic and Dharmic Accountability.

Also present at the occasion were Debraj Rath, Jt. Registrar along with active participation by faculty, staff members and students. The meeting ended with vote of thanks.

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