Theory of Composite Materials (ME 6L057)
Pre-Requisites: None
L – T – P – C
3 – 0 – 0 – 4

Basic concepts of three dimensional stresses and strains, Introduction to composite materials, Processes and characteristics, Macromechanical and micromechanical behavior of a lamina, Macromechanical and micromechanical behavior of a laminate, Hygrothermal effects, Bending, buckling and vibration of laminated plates, shells and panels, Experimental methods for characterization and testing of composite materials.

Recommended Books:

  1. Mechanics of Composite Materials – R. M. Jones (Taylor & Francis)
  2. Engineering Mechanics of Composite Materials – I. M. Daniel and O. Ishai (Oxford University Press)
  3. Practical Analysis of Composite laminates – J. N. Reddy and A. Miravete (CRC Press)
  4. Mechanics of laminated plates and shells – J. N. Reddy (CRC Press)
  5. Introduction to Composite Materials Design- Ever J. Barbero(CRC Press)
  6. Composite Materials: Science and Engineering - Krishan K. Chawla (Springer)
  7. Mechanics of composite Materials and Structures – MadhujitMukopadhyay (Oriental Swan)