Subject Code: ES6L210 Subject Name: Application of Petroleum Geochemistry in Exploration and Production L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Pre-requisite: None
  Petroleum source rock, oil, and natural gas evaluation using various organic and inorganic tools; Oil and gas generation, migration, and accumulation processes; Petroleum system analysis; Unconventional petroleum resources: shale gas and coal bed methane; Reservoir geochemistry applications such as indentification of productive and non-productive zones, predicting gas, oil, and water interfaces, reservoir conncetivity indentification, and predicting oil quality. Case studies.

Text/Reference Books
  1. S.A. Tedesco, Surface Geochemistry in Petroleum Exploration, Springer.
  2. Colin Barker, Organic geochemistry in petroleum exploration. AAPG Bookstore.
  3. R. E. Chapman, Petroleum Geology, Elsevier Science.