Subject Code: ES6L204 Subject Name: Geophysical Tomography L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Theory and geometry of seismic waves; Seismic velocity of rocks; Characteristics of seismic events; Seismic sources and equipment; Seismic reflection and refraction field methods; CDP technique; Seismic noise; Velocity measurements; Marine seismic surveys; Data processing – convolution, correlation, filtering, velocity analysis, stacking and migration; Synthetic seismograms; Seismic interpretation. Fundamental concepts of inverse theory with application to Geophysics; Probability, inverses with discrete and continuous models; Inverse methods based on length; Generalized matrix inverses and maximum likelihood methods, non uniqueness, applications of vector spaces, resolving kernels, use of prior information, singular value decomposition, non-linear inverse problems, continuous inverse theory and tomography; Backus-Gilbert inverse problem; Applications of inverse theory to geophysics.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Yilmaz, O., Seismic Data Processing, Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG).
  2. Lo, T. and P. L. Inderwiesen, Fundamentals of Seismic Tomography, SEG.
  3. Aster, R. C. and Borchers, B. and Thurber, C. H.,Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems. Academic Press.