Theory and geometry of seismic waves; Seismic velocity of rocks; Characteristics of seismic events; Seismic sources and equipment; Seismic reflection and refraction field methods; CDP technique; Seismic noise; Velocity measurements; Marine seismic surveys; Data processing – convolution, correlation, filtering, velocity analysis, stacking and migration; Synthetic seismograms; Seismic interpretation. Fundamental concepts of inverse theory with application to Geophysics; Probability, inverses with discrete and continuous models; Inverse methods based on length; Generalized matrix inverses and maximum likelihood methods, non uniqueness, applications of vector spaces, resolving kernels, use of prior information, singular value decomposition, non-linear inverse problems, continuous inverse theory and tomography; Backus-Gilbert inverse problem; Applications of inverse theory to geophysics.
Text/Reference Books:
- Yilmaz, O., Seismic Data Processing, Society of Exploration Geophysics (SEG).
- Lo, T. and P. L. Inderwiesen, Fundamentals of Seismic Tomography, SEG.
- Aster, R. C. and Borchers, B. and Thurber, C. H.,Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems. Academic Press.