Concept of a frequency distribution: Moments, skewness and kurtosis Probability; Various approaches of probability classical, frequency (statistical), subjective and axiomatic; Theorems on probability, conditional probability; Independence; Bayes Theorem; Random variable: discrete and continuous; Distribution function and their properties; Probability mass and density functions; Mathematical expectation; Moment generating function and its properties; Probability distributions: Bernoulli, binomial, negative binomial, Poisson and normal distributions; Theory of least squares and curve fitting; Correlation Simple; multiple and partial; Regression lines and regression coefficients; Multiple and partial regression; Test of Significance: Normal test, t-test, Chisquare and F-test, Principal component analysis, Multivariate analysis,
Fourier-Legendre transforms; FFT; Calculus of variations and Rayleigh Ritz method; Probability; covariance and correlation; Multivariate distributions and analysis; Principal component analysis of climate data.
MATLAB and its application in Geosciences
Text/Reference Books:
- Trauth, M., Matlab Recipes for Earth Sciences, Springer
- Zhao, C., and B. E. Hobbs, and A. Ord. Fundamentals of Computational Geoscience: Numerical Methods and Algorithms, Springer
- Dawson, C., G. Margot, Computational Challenges in the Geosciences, Springer