Subject Code: ES6L119 Subject Name: Advanced Petrology L-T-P: 2-0-2 Credit: 3


Feldspars, Amphiboles and Sheet Silicates; Mid-Oceanic Ridge basalt and its chemical composition; Magma mixing and crustal contamination; Continental Basalt and its chemical composition; Volcanic eruption mechanism and processes; Phase petrology and its application to magmatic and metamorphic system; Geothermobarometry; Kinetics of rock forming process; Microstructures and chemical zonation.

Text/Reference Books:

  1. Harvey Blatt, Robert Tracy and Brent Owens, Petrology: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic, W. H. Freeman
  2. John D. Winter, Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Prentice Hall
  3. L. L. Perchuk, Progress in Metamorphic and Magmatic Petrology: A Memorial Volume in Honour of D. S. Korzhinskiy,  Cambridge University Press