Subject Code: ES6L111 Subject Name: Applied Coal Petrography & Coal Bed Methane L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Coal depositional environments; Controls on coal quality; Coal occurrence; Maceral (kerogen) types; Liquid- vs. gas-prone kerogen; Effects of maceral type on gas sorption and diffusion; Coal bed gas origin; Thermal maturity of coal; Coal bed gas composition and heating value; Coal bed permeability; Estimation of coal tonnage and gas volume; Coal bed exploration models; Case studies.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Seidle, J., Fundamentals of Coalbed Methane Reservoir Engineering, PennWell Corporation
  2. D.W. van Krevelen, Coal, Third Edition: Typology - Physics - Chemistry - Constitution (Coal Science &  Technology), Elsevier Science
  3. Isabel Suárez-Ruiz, John C. Crelling, Applied Coal Petrology: The Role of Petrology in Coal Utilization, Academic Press