Plate tectonics in relation to Earthquake; Introduction to Neotectonics; Geomorphology of active faults and its impact; Determination of fault slip rates; Age and size of paleoearthquakes; Seismic hazard analyses using geological data; Neotectonic in relations with fluvial geomorphology, land slides; Modern technology to study neotectonism; Field techniques in paleoseismology; Dating techniques in paleoseismology; Assessment of paleoseismic hazard.
Text/Reference Books:
- Kearey, P., K. A. Klepeis, and F. J. Vine. Global Tectonics, Wiley-Blackwell.
- Khan, M.A., Tectonics of the Nanga Purbat Syntaxis and the Western Himalaya (Geological Society Special Publication), Edited by McCalpin, J. P., Paleoseismology, Academic Press
- Talwani, P., Intraplate Earthquakes, Cambridge University Press
- Yeats, R., Active Faults of the World, Cambridge University Press.