Subject Code: ES6L103 Subject Name: Remote Sensing & GIS application in Geosciences L-T-P: 2-0-2 Credit: 3
Pre-requisite: None
Introduction to various satellite and satellite data; Digital image processing and enhancement techniques; Optical/Thermal/Microwave/Acoustic Remote Sensing; Geoscientific data integration techniques in GIS; Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Mineral/Oil Exploration; Targeting groundwater in hard and soft rock terrain; Application in engineering geology and natural disaster study; Digital elevation modelling and digital terrain modelling; Digitizing, editing and structuring of map data; GPS and navigation; DGPS application; GNSS.

Text/Reference Books
  1. Xu, G., GPS Theory, Algorithms and Applications. Springer
  2. F. S. Sabins, Remote Sensing: Principles and Interpretation:, Waveland Pr Inc.
  3. Paul Bolstad, GIS Fundamentals: A First Text on Geographic Information Systems:, Eider Press.
  4. Paul. R. Wolf, Bon. A. Dewitt: Elements of Photogrammetry with Applications in GIS:, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt. Limited.
  5. John R. Jensen, Introductory digital image processing: a remote sensing perspective, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.