Basics of MOS circuits: MOS transistor structure and device modelling; MOS inverters; MOS combinational circuits – Different logic families. Sources of power dissipation in CMOS circuits: Static power dissipation; Diode leakage current, sub-threshold leakage current, gate and other tunnel currents; Dynamic power dissipation; Short circuit power; Switching power; Gliching power, Supply voltage scaling approaches: Technology level, Logic level, Architecture level, Algorithm level, Dynamic voltage scaling, Power Management; Switched Capacitance Minimization Approaches: Hardware Software Trade-off, Bus Encoding, Two’s compliment vs Sign magnitude, Architectural optimization, Clock gating, Logic styles; Leakage power minimization approaches: Variable-threshold voltage CMOS (VTCMOS) approach, Multi-threshold voltage CMOS (MTCMOS) approach, Dual-Vt assignment approach, Transistor stacking; Special Topics: Adiabatic switching circuits, Battery-aware synthesis, Variation tolerant design.
Prerequisite: None
Text/Reference Books:
- Kiat-Seng Yeo and Kaushik Roy, Low-voltage, Low-power VLSI sub-systems, Mc Graw Hill, 2005.
- Sung-Mo Kang, Y Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2003.
- Neil H. E. Weste and K. Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design, Addison Wesley (Indian reprint).
- A. Bellamour and M. I. Elmasri, Low-power VLSI CMOS Circuit Design, Kluwer Academic Press, 1995.
- Kaushik Roy and Sharat C. Prasad, Low-power CMOS VLSI Design, Wiley-Interscience, 2000.