Characteristics of earthquakes; Earthquake response of structures; Concept of earthquake resistant design; Response of SDOF and MDOF systems to random excitations. Code provisions of design of buildings; Design for Liquefaction; Non-engineered construction; Special topics: bridges, dams, strengthening of existing buildings.
Text/Reference Books:
- Duggal S. K. Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Oxford University Press.
- Chopra A. K. Dynamics of Structures, Pearson.
- Paulay T. and Priestley M. J. N. Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings, Wiley.
- Bolt B. A. Earthquakes, Freeman.
- Kramer S. L. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Pearson.
- Dutta S. C. and Mukhopadhyay P. S. Improving Earthquake and Cyclone Resistance of Structures, TERI.