Basics of structural analysis: static & dynamic loading, linear & nonlinearstructural behaviour, geometric & material nonlinearity, hysteretic behaviour;Classical linear analysis of frames and trusses: displacement method, slopedeflection equations & matrix displacement method, effect of foundationsettlement and temperature; Geometric nonlinear analysis of frames and trusses: displacement method, nonlinear slope-deflection equations & nonlinear behaviour,linearized iterative matrix displacement method, geometric stiffness matrix,tangent stiffness matrix, P- Ä effect, buckling of frames, tension structures;Material nonlinear analysis of frames: basics of plasticity, distributed plasticity& lumped plasticity, incremental nonlinear analysis.
Text/Reference Books:
- Thandavamoorthy T. S. Structural Analysis, Oxford University Press.
- Wang C. K. Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill.
- Hibbeler R. C. Structural Analysis, Pearson.