Noise pollution and its control, measuring equipment, Indoor air Pollution and control, Ventilation systems, health and comfort ventilation, natural ventilation and its measurement. Fire protection and equipment, Energy conservation in buildings, Green Building, LEED and TERI-GRIHA requirement, Water supply system for various type of buildings, appurtenances, fixtures, water supply systems. Drainage systems and Solid waste disposal in buildings, Thermal environment in a building and its control, Importance of safety measures in buildings, Various types of safety measures. Water supply preparedness and protection, emergency water supply strategy, rural and urban emergencies. Assessment of damage. Emergency water supply schemes – sources, quality, treatment, storage and distribution, operation and maintenance. Sanitation – human waste and health, strategy for excreta disposal in emergencies, techniques for excreta disposal, disposal of wastewater, management of refuse. Health aspects of water supply and sanitation, disposal of wastewater in rural and urban areas, integrated approach to health and sanitation. Transmission of diseases through air, water and food. Insect vector and rodent control. Excreta treatment and management in rural and urban slums, low cost options. Software related to environmental health and hygiene. National Acts & Rules for Environmental Protection.
Text/Reference Books:
- Goel P. K. and Sharma K. P. Environmental guidelines and standards in India, Techno Science.
- Singh G. Environmental law in India, Macmillan.
- Thakur K. Environmental protection law and policy in India, Deep publishers.
- BIS. Functional Requirements of Buildings (other than Industrial Buildings), BIS.
- Manas V. T. National Plumbing code, McGraw-Hill.
- Panchadhari A. K. Water Supply and Sanitary Installations–Design, Construction and Maintenance, New Age.
- Alexander D. Principles of emergency planning and management, Oxford University Press.
- Hallow G. and Bullock J. Introduction to Emergency Management, Elsevier.