Conventional water and waste water treatment methods, their capabilities and limitations, Need for advanced treatment of water and waste water, Advanced water treatment- Iron and manganese removal, colour and odour removal, activated carbon treatment, carbonate balance for corrosion control, ion exchange, electro-dialysis, reverse osmosis and modern methods and flouride management, Advanced waste water treatment- Nutrient control in effluents, Nitrogen and phosphorus removal methods including biological methods, Methods for the removal of heavy metals, oil and refractory organics, Micro-screening, ultra-filtration, centrifugation and other advanced physical methods- aerobic digestion, anaerobic filtration, rotating biological contractor, novel methods of aeration etc., Combined physico-chemical and biological processes, Activated carbon treatment, chlorination of waste water, Pure oxygen systems, Filtration for high quality effluents, Multistage treatment systems, Land treatment and other resources recovery systems. Decentralised wastewater treatment systems; Reliability and cost effectiveness of wastewater systems. Natural treatment systems- floating aquatic plant treatment systems, constructed wetlands.
Industrial Wastewater management and reuse, removal of industry specific pollutants including nitrate, sulphate, phosphorous, pathogens, color, odor, TDS, COD and residual BOD, Specific issues in management of industrial wastewater including petrochemical, Text Books:ile, food processing, pharmaceutical, fertilizer, pesticides etc.
Text/Reference Books:
- Peavy H. S., Rowe D. R. and Tchobanoglous G. Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
- Nemerow N. L. and Dasgupta A. Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment, Van Nostarnd Reinhold.
- Arceivala S. J. and Asolekar S. R. Wastewater Treatment for Pollution Control and Reuse, McGraw-Hill.
- Metcalf and Eddy. Wastewater Engineering- Treatment and Reuse, McGraw Hill.
- Eckenfelder W. W. Industrial Water Pollution Control, McGraw-Hill.
- Nemerow N. L. Zero Pollution for Industry: Waste Minimization through Industrial Complexes, John Wiley.
- Cites R. W., Middlebrooks E. J. and Reed S. C. Natural wastewater Treatment Systems, CRC Taylor and Francis.