Subject Code: CE6L026 Name: Advanced Soil Mechanics L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None
Introduction: Origin of soil and its types, mineralogy and structure of clay minerals, Consolidation: Steady State flow, 2D and 3D seepage, transient flow; Compressibility and rate of consolidation, one, two, and three dimensional consolidation theories; Sand drains; Mohr’s circles; Critical state soil mechanics: Critical State Line, Hvorslev Surface, Yield Surfaces: Modified Cam-clay and Original Cam-clay; Elastic and plastic analysis of soil: Constitutive relationships of soil; failure theories. Limit analysis-Upper bound theorems, lower bound theorems, limit equilibrium methods; Soil Stabilization: Classification of stabilizing agents and stabilization processes. Strength improvement characteristic of soft and sensitive clays, Marine clay and waste material.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Das B. M. Advanced Soil Mechanics, Taylor and Francis.
  2. Scott R. F. Principles of Soil Mechanics, Addison & Wesley.
  3. Davis R. O. and Selvadurai A. P. S. Elasticity and Geomechanics, Cambridge University Press.
  4. Mitchell J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour, Wiley.
  5. Wood D. M. Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics, University of Glasgow.
  6. Schofield A. N. and Wroth C. P. Critical State Soil Mechanics, McGraw-Hill.