Introduction: Origin of soil and its types, mineralogy and structure of clay minerals, Consolidation: Steady State flow, 2D and 3D seepage, transient flow; Compressibility and rate of consolidation, one, two, and three dimensional consolidation theories; Sand drains; Mohr’s circles; Critical state soil mechanics: Critical State Line, Hvorslev Surface, Yield Surfaces: Modified Cam-clay and Original Cam-clay; Elastic and plastic analysis of soil: Constitutive relationships of soil; failure theories. Limit analysis-Upper bound theorems, lower bound theorems, limit equilibrium methods; Soil Stabilization: Classification of stabilizing agents and stabilization processes. Strength improvement characteristic of soft and sensitive clays, Marine clay and waste material.
Text/Reference Books:
- Das B. M. Advanced Soil Mechanics, Taylor and Francis.
- Scott R. F. Principles of Soil Mechanics, Addison & Wesley.
- Davis R. O. and Selvadurai A. P. S. Elasticity and Geomechanics, Cambridge University Press.
- Mitchell J. K. Fundamentals of Soil Behaviour, Wiley.
- Wood D. M. Soil Behaviour and Critical State Soil Mechanics, University of Glasgow.
- Schofield A. N. and Wroth C. P. Critical State Soil Mechanics, McGraw-Hill.