Subject Code: CE6L025 Name: Geotechnical Risk and Reliability L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None
Introduction to probabilistic geotechnical engineering, variability measures, random variables, probability mass and density functions, moments of distribution, modelling of uncertainty, engineering judgment, spatial variability of soil, autocovariance functions, functions of random fields, levels of reliability, loads and resistances, reliability methods, first order second moment (FOSM) method, Hasofer-Lind approach, Response Surface Method, Monte Carlo simulations.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Haldar A. and Mahadevan S. Probability, Reliability, and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design, John Wiley.
  2. Baecher G. and Christian J. Reliability and Statistics in Geotechnical Engineering, John Wiley.
  3. Ang A. H. S. and Tang W. H. Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design: Basic Principles (Vol. I), John Wiley.
  4. Ang A. H. S. and Tang W. H. Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design: Decision, Risk, and Reliability (Vol. II), John Wiley.
  5. Ang A. H. S. and Tang W. H. Probability Concepts In Engineering: Emphasis On Applications In Civil & Environmental Engineering, Wiley.
  6. Melchers R. E. Structural Reliability Analysis and Prediction, John Wiley.
  7. Nowak A. S. and Collins K. R. Reliability of Structures, CRC Press.
  8. Vanmarcke E. Random Fields: Analysis and Synthesis, MIT Press.