Introduction, vibration theories, analysis of free and forced vibrations using spring dashpot model, single degree of freedom system, multi-degrees of freedom system, application of single and multi-degree of freedom systems, wave propagation in elastic media, laboratory and field evaluation of dynamic soil properties, seismic bearing capacity of shallow foundations, pile foundation under dynamic load, seismic earth pressures, seismic slope stability.
Text/Reference Books:
- Saran S. Soil Dynamics and Machine Foundations, Galgotia.
- Das B. M. and Ramana G. V. Principles of Soil Dynamics, CL-Engineering.
- Richart F. E., Woods R. D. and Hall J. R. Vibrations of soils and foundations, Prentice.
- Kramer S. L. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice.