Planning of urban and metropolitan water supply project and its implementation, Water demand forecasting and management, Sources, Water-lifting arrangements, Aqueducts, Hydraulics of conduits, structural requirement for aqueducts. Appurterenances and valves, water pipes, Storage tanks Network design, Design of water distribution system, hydraulic analysis, distribution system components, building plumbing systems. Municipal wastewater collection; Systems of sanitation and systems for water carriage sewage; Estimation of wastewater flows and variation in waste water flow; Design of urban sanitary and storm water sewers, structural requirements of sewer under various conditions, corrosion protection in sewers, design of surface and subsurface drainage, roadways and airport drainage, design of water and wastewater pumping systems, building sanitation. Regulations & Acts, Agencies involved, General sanitation of schools, Hospitals, Bathing places and houses etc. Considerations for layout of treatment plants; Hydraulics and Design of water and Water treatment plants.
Text/Reference Books:
- Bhave P. R. Optimal Design Of Water Distribution Networks, Narosa.
- Bhave P. R. and Gupta R. Analysis of Water Distribution Networks, Narosa.
- Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, Ministry of Urban Development.
- Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization. Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, Ministry of Urban Development.
- McGhee T. J. Water Supply and Sewerage, McGraw-Hill.
- Metcalf and Eddy. Wastewater Engineering- Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill.
- Peavy H. S., Rowe D. R. and Tchobanoglous G. Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
- Quasim S. R., Motley E. M. and Zhu G. Water Works Engineering- Planning, Design and Operation, Prentice.
- Streeter V. L. and Wylie E. D. Fluid Transients, McGraw-Hill.