Environmental management, problems and strategies; Review of political, ecological and remedial actions; Future strategies; multidisciplinary environmental strategies, the human, planning, descision-making and management dimensions. Environment Risk assessment, Pollution prevention and Waste minimization; sustainable development (SD), Life cycle assessment. Environmental impact assessment (EIA), definitions and concepts, Screening and scoping criteria; Rapid and comprehensive EIA, Legislative and environmental clearance procedures in India and other countries, Siting criteria; CRZ; Public participation; Resettlement and rehabilitation. Practical applications of EIA; EIA methodologies; Baseline data collection; Prediction and assessment of impacts on physical, biological and socio-economic environment; Environmental management plan; Post project monitoring, initial environmental examination (IEE), environmental impact statement (EIS), environmental appraisal, environmental audit (EA); Environmental impact factors and areas of consideration, measurement of environmental impact, organisation, scope and methodologies of EIA, case studies stressing physical aspects of environment. Evolution of EIA; EIA at project; Regional and policy levels; Strategic EIA; EIA process;
Text/Reference Books:
- Canter L. Environmental Impact Assessment, McGraw-Hill.
- Kiely G. Environmental Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
- Rau G. J. and Wooten C. D. Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook, McGraw-Hill.
- Dhameja S. K. Environmental Engineering and Management, S. K. Kataria & Sons.
- World Bank, ‘Environmental Assessment Source Book’, Environment Dept., Washington D.C., 1991
- Welford R. Corporate Environmental Management, Earthscan.
- Sayre D. Inside ISO 14000: Competitive Advantage of Environmental Management, St. Louis Press.
- Rosencranz A., Divan S. and Noble M. L. Environmental Law and Policy in India: Cases, Materials and Statutes, Tripathi Pvt.
- Asolekar S. R. and Gopichandran R. Preventive Environmental Management - An Indian Perspective, Foundation Books Pvt.