Subject Code: CE6L008 Name: Hydraulics of Sediment Transport L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credit: 3
Prerequisite: None
Sediment properties; Initiation of motion; Bed Load; Bed Forms; Effective bed roughness; Armouring; Suspended Load; Total Load; Transport of Sediment due to unsteady flow; Meandering of rivers; Braided river; Local scour at different structures; Sediment sampling; Mathematical models of sediment transport.

Text/Reference Books:
  1. Yang C. T. Sediment Transport: Theory and Practice, Krieger.
  2. Graf W. H. Hydraulics of Sediment Transport, Water Resources Publications.
  3. Fredsoe J. and Diegaard R. Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport, World Scientific.
  4. Garde R. J. History of Fluvial Hydraulics, New Age.